Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

WoW Gold Farming Strategies That Will Turn You Into the Trump of WoW

Everyone playing World of Warcraft has one desire.
To amass more gold then all their friends.
Whether it's for re-spec's or just to be able to gloat everyone wants more world of warcraft gold.
The problem is most believe that the only way to make more gold is through old school wow gold farming.
In other words taking your character and heading out to your favorite grinding areas and grind till your brain just can't take it anymore.
This is all find and dandy and there is nothing wrong with this, but there are more efficient wow gold farming strategies.
Did you know that players who understand how properly buy and sell in the auction house easily outperform their mind numbing grinding competitors.
Yet most people never even consider working the wow economy as an efficient way to amass tons of gold.
How to make gold in wow inside the auction house is harder then most wow gold guides would like to make it appear.
Most claim the adage, "Buy Low sell High".
This is fine and dandy but what is low and what is high for one item might not be for the next.
So can you tell? Easy really and no the answer is not using the addon called auctioneer.
Auctioneer is a great tool, but it cannot adequately tell you the volatility of any given item inside world of warcraft.
To really learn how to make gold in wow you must take notes.
Let's take arcane tomes as our example.
Just because arcane tomes are selling for 30 gold doesn't necessarily mean that is a good price.
You need to answer questions like what is the high value for this item and what is its low value.
The best way to do that is watching the market.
Keep a record of how the price fluctuates.
I will point out that it could take a good week of watching an item to get an idea for its highs and lows.
In our example perhaps arcane tomes on your server sell for 25-35 gold.
This is good to know.
Why? Well if you see one day arcane tomes selling for 30g then perhaps this might not be the best time to sell.
People will be slowly dropping the price undercutting each other so the best option is to simply wait and hold.
Wait if one day you log in and see arcane tomes listed at 34g ok, now might be a time to consider selling.
The other advantage to knowing the highs and lows of an item is it can help you decide when to buy.
Again if arcane tomes is selling for 30 gold then it probably isn't that great of a time to buy either, since you know that it can go as low as 25.
By setting a buy point and choosing when and where to sell you can insure you make the largest profit margins.
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