Diabetes is a health condition in which patient suffers from a high level of sugar in the blood. Not only this, sometimes a diabetic may suffer from lower level of blood glucose which might happen due to excessive insulin intake. The sugar level in the blood has to be maintained at an optimal level, otherwise the condition can result in several severe complications, including kidney failure.
Regular monitoring of blood sugar level helps to examine different aspects related to diabetes such as how the blood glucose level reacting to insulin, exercise, food, and other factors. It also helps in correcting insulin doses and hyperglycemia.
There are many tests to monitor blood sugar level. The HbA1C test is one of the best methods of monitoring blood sugar level and to find out whether diabetes is under control or not. It is done in laboratory by obtaining blood sample of the patient. It is not similar to the glucose level.
What is HbA1c?
The HbA1c test is done in a laboratory. It measures average blood glucose level in given period of time. It is a regular monitoring method, which helps in checking Diabetes. It is also used for diagnosis of Diabetes. Diet, exercise, and the level of insulin in the blood affects the level of sugar in the blood and thus a regular monitoring is helpful for patients. HbA1c test is done every 3-4 months. It helps to find out the risk level of kidney failure, vision problems, and leg or foot numbness in patients of Diabetes. Patients with lower HbA1c level have lower risks and patients with higher HbA1c level have higher risk of developing these health complications.
Need of HbA1c Test
The HbA1c test is done to diagnose Diabetes or to check and correct the treatment of Diabetes. HbA1c levels are not affected by daily glucose level fluctuation. It finds out the average glucose levels in given period of time. It indicates the control of blood glucose level in the given time frame. It also helps to check effects of diet, exercise, and drugs on blood glucose in diabetic patients. It is not directly equivalent to blood glucose levels. It is an average value. It can be done any time even after a meal.
Measurement of HbA1c
The blood sample is taken from a vein in patient's arm. The blood sample is sent to Laboratory, where it is tested. HbA1c is separated from hemoglobin by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPCL separates blood into its various components. Thus, glucose level is measured and patients could have average measurement of their blood glucose level.
Limitations of HbA1c test
HbA1c is not influenced by daily fluctuations in blood glucose level; it is not able to monitor daily blood glucose levels for adjustment of dosages of insulin taken by the patient of Diabetes. It cannot check daily presence and absence of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. There may be a false higher level of HbA1c in certain medical conditions such as kidney failure, excessive and chronic drinking, and hypertriglyceridemia. Some medical conditions such as acute or chronic blood loss, sickle cell disease or thalassemia could lead to a false low level of HbA1c.
For More Information Visit: http://www.unsafedrugs.com/3787/diabetes-hba1c-test
Regular monitoring of blood sugar level helps to examine different aspects related to diabetes such as how the blood glucose level reacting to insulin, exercise, food, and other factors. It also helps in correcting insulin doses and hyperglycemia.
There are many tests to monitor blood sugar level. The HbA1C test is one of the best methods of monitoring blood sugar level and to find out whether diabetes is under control or not. It is done in laboratory by obtaining blood sample of the patient. It is not similar to the glucose level.
What is HbA1c?
The HbA1c test is done in a laboratory. It measures average blood glucose level in given period of time. It is a regular monitoring method, which helps in checking Diabetes. It is also used for diagnosis of Diabetes. Diet, exercise, and the level of insulin in the blood affects the level of sugar in the blood and thus a regular monitoring is helpful for patients. HbA1c test is done every 3-4 months. It helps to find out the risk level of kidney failure, vision problems, and leg or foot numbness in patients of Diabetes. Patients with lower HbA1c level have lower risks and patients with higher HbA1c level have higher risk of developing these health complications.
Need of HbA1c Test
The HbA1c test is done to diagnose Diabetes or to check and correct the treatment of Diabetes. HbA1c levels are not affected by daily glucose level fluctuation. It finds out the average glucose levels in given period of time. It indicates the control of blood glucose level in the given time frame. It also helps to check effects of diet, exercise, and drugs on blood glucose in diabetic patients. It is not directly equivalent to blood glucose levels. It is an average value. It can be done any time even after a meal.
Measurement of HbA1c
The blood sample is taken from a vein in patient's arm. The blood sample is sent to Laboratory, where it is tested. HbA1c is separated from hemoglobin by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPCL separates blood into its various components. Thus, glucose level is measured and patients could have average measurement of their blood glucose level.
Limitations of HbA1c test
HbA1c is not influenced by daily fluctuations in blood glucose level; it is not able to monitor daily blood glucose levels for adjustment of dosages of insulin taken by the patient of Diabetes. It cannot check daily presence and absence of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. There may be a false higher level of HbA1c in certain medical conditions such as kidney failure, excessive and chronic drinking, and hypertriglyceridemia. Some medical conditions such as acute or chronic blood loss, sickle cell disease or thalassemia could lead to a false low level of HbA1c.
For More Information Visit: http://www.unsafedrugs.com/3787/diabetes-hba1c-test