- 1). Call your loan officer to inform him of your decision to rescind your mortgage request within three days of your closing transaction. Speak with a manager or your loan processor if your loan officer is unavailable. Give a brief reason for your decision to cancel. Document the time, date and name of the person you spoke with.
- 2). Write a letter that expresses your decision to rescind a recently closed mortgage transaction. Include the property address and the date that your loan was closed. Sign and date the letter.
- 3). Fax your cancellation letter to the title company within three days of your closing transaction. Inform the title company of your conversation with the lender about rescinding your loan. Send a fax to the lender as well if you are unable to make contact with a representative. Obtain a time-stamp of your fax to validate the transmission of your cancellation notice.
- 4). Call the title company to verify that your fax to rescind your loan was received. Record the time, date and name of the title representative who you spoke with.