- 1). Fold over your piece of clear, flexible urethane or PVC. Do not use polyethylene. It's too stiff and not transparent enough. Place the piece of tin foil or insulate tape over it, along the open edge.
- 2). Place binder clips on the corners, securing the urethane and foil or insulated tape to the table or work bench.
- 3). Iron the edge of the urethane to weld it shut, making sure to only come in contact with the insulated tape or foil. The urethane will melt otherwise.
- 1). Cut a 1/2 inch thick disc (large enough to fit over your camera lens) of polyethylene or thermoplastic. Leave part of the plastic narrow, so that the entire piece is shaped like a circular mirror with a handle. You can use plastic from a polyethylene cutting board. Clamp it with a c-clamp and soften the "neck" or "handle" area using a hot air gun.
- 2). Use a wooden wedge to bend the handle down at a right angle to the disc. Hold in place until the plastic cools and hardens.
- 3). Smooth the handle with sandpaper or a belt sander.
- 4). Mark the center of the disc with a spring-loaded center-punch. This tool is used by emergency personnel to shatter car windows. It is a tiny hand-held tool, but it cuts well. Draw an "X" with the center punch.
- 5). Attach a circle-cutting tool to a drill press. Exercise extreme caution. Circle-cutting tools are extremely sharp and invisible while spinning. Use two clamps to secure your disc to the work table, centering the disc under the drill press. Do not put your hands near the disc while running the tool. Be sure the circle you cut is large enough for the camera to have a full view, looking through the center. Cut most of the way through the plastic with the cutter. Finish with a knife. Bevel the inside edge of the circle with a bevel tool.
- 1). Cut a ring out of thick plastic with the circle cutter, similar to the ring above, but without a handle attached. Make it the same dimensions as the other.
- 2). Carve a large groove on the outside edge of the second ring with a lathe cutter, rat-tail rasp and sandpaper. Smooth all sharp edges.
- 3). Score and cut a circular piece of glass (the size of the outside of your rings) with a carbide scribe and by tapping on the glass. If you're unfamiliar with glass cutting, it's best to have it cut by a shop or someone who knows how.
- 4). Cut a black gasket from thick rubber sheet. This is your seal. Make it the same dimensions as your bracket rings.
- 1). Stack up your components. Place the outside bracket ring (without the handle) face down, followed by the rubber gasket, glass and the inside bracket. Clamp this down.
- 2). Drill evenly spaced holes for flatbed screws along the disc. Fasten screws to hold it together. Drill a mounting hole on the handle, so you can bolt it to your camera-mount.
- 3). Cut a hole as big as your finished porthole in your camera bag. Pull the bag over the porthole until the hole is lined up with it. Sandwich the edges of the plastic into the gasket using a butter knife. Be sure to get a tight seal.
- 4). Put the bag inside-out over the camera mounted on the bracket. Seal the bag by rolling the end up slightly like a toothpaste tube. Roll the ends inward, wrap a rubber tube around it and tuck it under.
Camera Bag
Camera Bracket
The Outside Bezel
Put It Together