Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Summer Safety Tips

New data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission has revealed that three of every four children who drown in the country, between the ages of 5-14, are five years old. As a result, the Commission has revamped its summer safety campaign with particular focus on the 4th of July. Almost 400 children drown each year and well over 5,000 are rushed for emergency treatment from the same cause.

According to the study, on the week of the Independence Day, 25 children drown as part of the traditional merrymaking. In an effort to educate the general public to reduce these preventable injuries, the CPSC has issued the following guidelines on pool safety for the summer.

Watch children and stay close together.

Despite the massive budget poured each year towards safety campaigns, still a growing number of parents leave their children unattended near pool areas or spas. Always watch out for small children and teach them sound fundamentals on safety. Keep them away from the drain, pool pipes or other openings and crevices to prevent them from getting trapped.

It is always a good idea for the supervising adults to keep a phone handy just in case you need help. From time to time, do a head count and watch out for missing children. Look for them in the water or spa area first. Share these safety instructions with members of your family, your friends and your neighbors.

Supervising adults should have adequate and updated life-saving techniques like CPR. Make it a point to share these skills to both adults and children.

Equip your pool with the correct safety equipment.

Build a fence around your pool, at least four feet in height, self-latching or self-closing gates. Always equip your spa with a lockable safety cover and ask your neighbors to install the same. Keep life rings, reaching poles or floats very accessible within the pool area.

Having a lot of safety equipment is a moot point if it is not kept in good working conditions. Always check your pool drain covers and that all of them comply with the federal standards for safety. Coordinate with your service provider for more details.

Sometimes, things can get out of hand.

Even with the most stringent safety standards, accidents still happen. Sometimes it is the negligence of a fellow parent or ill-equipped neighbor that can cause injury. If you or someone you know has suffered injuries arising from poor judgment or bad decisions, your rights have been breached.

Contact the personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann. Our legal team has a strong history of helping personal injury victims get the compensation they need. Although monetary compensation can never replace the life of a loved one, especially a child, it can alleviate many of the day-to-day problems confronted by personal injury victims and their families.
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