Excessive redness, burst blood vessels, and damaged veins can all contribute to uneven skin tone or discolored patches on your face and elsewhere on the body.
Luckily, there are arrays of treatments that can help you treat skin redness.
This article will cover some of the most popular ones, giving you a brief overview of how the treatment works and what results you can expect.
We'll take a look at Pearl and Limelight photo facials, laser genesis, and Excel vein removal.
These four treatments are some of the most successful methods for treating excessive redness available at medical spas.
Pearl Photo Facials The Pearl Photo Facial was designed as a non-invasive method at treating aging or sun damaged skin to trigger revitalization and regrowth in targeted areas of your skin.
It works by sending a series of light pulses in a pre-designated pattern to the top layers of your skin.
As this is happening heat is being sent to the lower layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production and the growth of new skin.
There is mild discomfort during the treatment and a period of 3 to 4 days after treatment while your skin heals where you should avoid sun or social engagements.
Once that brief period is over your skin should appear noticeably healthier and more even in tone.
Pearl is one of the more effective treatments you'll find available at medical spas, making it a popular candidate for treating excessive redness.
LimeLight Photo Facials The LimeLight photo facial technique bears some similarities to the Pearl technique as the names imply.
This treatment is focused more strongly on skin tone, and can treat age spots, blotchiness, freckles, fine veins and of course skin redness.
The LimeLight facial treatment requirements can vary significantly based on your individual needs, so it is best to go to your local medical spa for a consultation to get exact details on how many sessions you may need or what to expect from the treatment.
In general terms, LimeLight is very effective at treating discolorations by targeting only certain pigments with the light pulses on your skin.
LimeLight will focus primarily on the upper layers of your skin.
After treatment expect your skin to flake naturally for a week or two afterwards as new healthy skin regrows over the damaged areas.
Genesis Laser Treatment The Genesis Laser skin therapy is another excellent way to create healthy and youthful looking skin.
In addition to redness the Genesis Laser can also treat large pores and fine wrinkles.
The secret behind the Genesis treatment is the special, painless laser that targets damaged areas of your skin.
The laser can non-invasively stimulate collagen growth in areas well below your skin's surface.
It also generates heat in dilated capillaries, resulting in reduced redness.
This combination approach stimulates natural skin tightening that reduces wrinkles, as well as the growth of healthy skin and the removal of red spots.
Medical spas find this treatment highly effective due to the wide range of symptoms it can help with in a pain-free manner.
It can take up to six treatments to achieve optimum results, with some subtle improvement occurring after each treatment session.
Excel Vein Removal This treatment is ideal for treating visible face and leg veins, and is available at well regarded medical spas.
The CoolGlide Excel Vein treatment is specially calibrated to target only veins and capillaries, and this calibration allows it to go even deeper under the skin then most other laser treatments.
The laser targets these unsightly veins and capillaries and causes the blood within the vain to coagulate, destroying the vessel in the process.
Your body can then easily re-absorb the blood and the blood vessel, making this treatment safe and effective.
Luckily, there are arrays of treatments that can help you treat skin redness.
This article will cover some of the most popular ones, giving you a brief overview of how the treatment works and what results you can expect.
We'll take a look at Pearl and Limelight photo facials, laser genesis, and Excel vein removal.
These four treatments are some of the most successful methods for treating excessive redness available at medical spas.
Pearl Photo Facials The Pearl Photo Facial was designed as a non-invasive method at treating aging or sun damaged skin to trigger revitalization and regrowth in targeted areas of your skin.
It works by sending a series of light pulses in a pre-designated pattern to the top layers of your skin.
As this is happening heat is being sent to the lower layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production and the growth of new skin.
There is mild discomfort during the treatment and a period of 3 to 4 days after treatment while your skin heals where you should avoid sun or social engagements.
Once that brief period is over your skin should appear noticeably healthier and more even in tone.
Pearl is one of the more effective treatments you'll find available at medical spas, making it a popular candidate for treating excessive redness.
LimeLight Photo Facials The LimeLight photo facial technique bears some similarities to the Pearl technique as the names imply.
This treatment is focused more strongly on skin tone, and can treat age spots, blotchiness, freckles, fine veins and of course skin redness.
The LimeLight facial treatment requirements can vary significantly based on your individual needs, so it is best to go to your local medical spa for a consultation to get exact details on how many sessions you may need or what to expect from the treatment.
In general terms, LimeLight is very effective at treating discolorations by targeting only certain pigments with the light pulses on your skin.
LimeLight will focus primarily on the upper layers of your skin.
After treatment expect your skin to flake naturally for a week or two afterwards as new healthy skin regrows over the damaged areas.
Genesis Laser Treatment The Genesis Laser skin therapy is another excellent way to create healthy and youthful looking skin.
In addition to redness the Genesis Laser can also treat large pores and fine wrinkles.
The secret behind the Genesis treatment is the special, painless laser that targets damaged areas of your skin.
The laser can non-invasively stimulate collagen growth in areas well below your skin's surface.
It also generates heat in dilated capillaries, resulting in reduced redness.
This combination approach stimulates natural skin tightening that reduces wrinkles, as well as the growth of healthy skin and the removal of red spots.
Medical spas find this treatment highly effective due to the wide range of symptoms it can help with in a pain-free manner.
It can take up to six treatments to achieve optimum results, with some subtle improvement occurring after each treatment session.
Excel Vein Removal This treatment is ideal for treating visible face and leg veins, and is available at well regarded medical spas.
The CoolGlide Excel Vein treatment is specially calibrated to target only veins and capillaries, and this calibration allows it to go even deeper under the skin then most other laser treatments.
The laser targets these unsightly veins and capillaries and causes the blood within the vain to coagulate, destroying the vessel in the process.
Your body can then easily re-absorb the blood and the blood vessel, making this treatment safe and effective.