Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Crohn"s Disease Complications - Overview of Things That Can Happen

While the complications can happen with Crohn's Disease are not something that you often think about or really want to think about, but it can be a good idea to know some of the things that can happen so you can be aware if one of these things happen to you.
One of the most common complications that can come about from having Crohn's is the need to have surgery, having a part of your bowel removed.
This can happen because a section of bowel has been inflamed for a long time and hasn't healed.
When this happens it is possible that the bowel gets scarring in that area and it will no longer work properly.
In this case it needs to be removed so the bowel can continue to function properly.
Something else that affects about 25% of the people that have Crohn's Disease is a fistula.
This is when two body cavities that are not normally connected are connected by a tunnel, such as the rectum and the vagina.
Some fistulas will heal on their own, others will need some kind of therapy, and some will require surgery to correct the problem.
Malabsorption can be a big problem in Crohn's Disease.
Due to having weak digestion the body doesn't absorb the same amount of the nutrients from the food as a person with normal digestion would.
Getting regular blood tests/checks to make sure that your body has all of the nutrients it needs is an essential thing for good health.
You may have some symptoms that you are think is your Crohn's Disease, but when it is actually a deficiency of some kind.
If you think feel that you are having some kind of complication because of Crohn's Disease then it would be best advised to see your doctor.
This way you can find out what the problem is then you can take the appropriate action to remedy the situation.
Once you know what the problem is in many cases there is a natural solution that you can use to fix the problem.
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