In this vast universe of The Internet we see so many offers, courses, ebooks, someone, somewhere trying to sell you something everyday.
If you are too anxious to establish yourself as a "work from home" entrepreneur and do not have a lot of experience, you most likely end up receiving dozens or even hundreds of emails daily from all those registration forms you filled out in order to receive more information about the "secrets" on how to make money online.
What usually amounts to commonly known as "information overload".
Then you spend all the spare time you have trying to decipher which one would actually give you some useful, workable information, so you can get started quickly, after a few hours or days, you finally start realizing that most offers lead to the same place, nowhere! Then you start feeling regret for spending hundreds of hours doing that instead of spending that time with your family or friends, then you are most likely to give up.
But do not get discouraged, everyone, especially those who are starting (newbies) as they like to call them, I hate that "term" by the way, end up acquiring the "information overload" syndrome.
It is inevitable.
It would be really nice if one day you actually came across a brand-new offer on The Internet or that was referred to you by someone who is actually, genuinely, trying to help others by teaching exactly what they do and not what they sell.
Wouldn't it? If fact, that is very, very rare, but I must tell you, they exist, they are a out there.
But first you must forget, erase completely out of your mind the habit of seeking for a system or program that has a "magic button" you press and on "auto-pilot" it start bringing you tons of visitors desperately willing to buy your product or service and all of a sudden your bank account would start filling up with more cash that you can handle.
That does not exist! Ask yourself one question...
Would I share such a "system", with anyone else if I had it? If you are honest, the answer is obvious, of course not! Why would you tell the world your way of earning your "bread & butter" in a place that most are trying to do the same thing, besides, once you divulge a "secret, it stops being a "secret" right? There will be claims from individuals that answer that very same question by saying: "The reason I am sharing this with you is because if you follow exactly what I teach you, you will get the same results and there is not saturation on that specific "niche" and it is a "win-win" situation, etc, etc...
In my view, all you are doing is the hard work to promote "systems" from well established people who have been doing this for years and they continue doing so by the efforts of people like you and I.
There is nothing wrong with that I applaud them for that, they are doing what they know best and that is what bring them all the traffic and all the money.
That is how online business goes! Having said that, please do not fool yourself, the reality of it all is hard work, you have to take a step back and start thinking straight and applying certain basic criteria.
Do not get me wrong, I am no expert and I still get excited about offers I come across online or receive in my "inbox" everyday, but here what I do to minimize wasting my time: I call it "RIP" - Reverse Internet Psychology.
- I take a quick look at the offer and if it looks the same as most, with all those huge, cluttered "sales pages" which I have no time for, I just discard it.
- If there is anything unique about it which I identify myself with and it is sort of related to a "niche" I know or I am comfortable in promoting, I will take a closer look, read everything, compare, do some more research about the product and similar ones.
- Once I have decided it is a product or service worthwhile, I go even deeper, and this is where I start getting more excited and the prospect of actually buying the product or becoming an affiliate for the product starts gaining momentum...
1) I type on "Google" the names of owner/owners which appear on the offer, just to see if they are legitimate, if they are coming from where they claim they are and to see if there is any bad reviews or scam reports about those specific offers online.
Once I am satisfied with that; 2) I look for the "contact us" or "support" form/email on the page, then I actually send an email to them asking more info about the product, the reasons I do that are simple, first I want to know if there is an actual human on the other side, second if in case I actually but the product I want to know if I will support s there and how quickly they will reply; 3) Finally, I look for the payment processors they use to take their orders, in despite of claims on the "sales pages" about"money back guarantee", I tend to stick to sellers who use reputable handlers such as"clickbank" because you are sure to get a refund in no time with "no questions" asked in case you are not satisfied with the product.
So, there you have it, once the ground work is done you are more likely to make a safer, satisfactory purchase and you are good-to-go! Note: In certain cases where a little suspicion arises or I see something that does not seem right, I will investigate further by checking who owns the domain names, also by checking the validity of links on emails (never click on links directly on emails), copy and paste on your browser address bar, if you use "Firefox" and the link to the site is not legitimate you will get a warning, also have a good anti-virus program installed to help protect you computer while browsing.
Please also note that my intention is not to discredit the work of online marketers, I believe that most are good people and have good intentions, I am merely giving here my account based on my own personal experiences, it is up to all of us to think and decide what is best for ourselves, I hope this helps a little, there is a lot more information to be shared but that is all I can think of at this time.
If you have any comments, suggestions or even questions I will be humbled to try to answer.
Have a Great Day! Marco Santoro
If you are too anxious to establish yourself as a "work from home" entrepreneur and do not have a lot of experience, you most likely end up receiving dozens or even hundreds of emails daily from all those registration forms you filled out in order to receive more information about the "secrets" on how to make money online.
What usually amounts to commonly known as "information overload".
Then you spend all the spare time you have trying to decipher which one would actually give you some useful, workable information, so you can get started quickly, after a few hours or days, you finally start realizing that most offers lead to the same place, nowhere! Then you start feeling regret for spending hundreds of hours doing that instead of spending that time with your family or friends, then you are most likely to give up.
But do not get discouraged, everyone, especially those who are starting (newbies) as they like to call them, I hate that "term" by the way, end up acquiring the "information overload" syndrome.
It is inevitable.
It would be really nice if one day you actually came across a brand-new offer on The Internet or that was referred to you by someone who is actually, genuinely, trying to help others by teaching exactly what they do and not what they sell.
Wouldn't it? If fact, that is very, very rare, but I must tell you, they exist, they are a out there.
But first you must forget, erase completely out of your mind the habit of seeking for a system or program that has a "magic button" you press and on "auto-pilot" it start bringing you tons of visitors desperately willing to buy your product or service and all of a sudden your bank account would start filling up with more cash that you can handle.
That does not exist! Ask yourself one question...
Would I share such a "system", with anyone else if I had it? If you are honest, the answer is obvious, of course not! Why would you tell the world your way of earning your "bread & butter" in a place that most are trying to do the same thing, besides, once you divulge a "secret, it stops being a "secret" right? There will be claims from individuals that answer that very same question by saying: "The reason I am sharing this with you is because if you follow exactly what I teach you, you will get the same results and there is not saturation on that specific "niche" and it is a "win-win" situation, etc, etc...
In my view, all you are doing is the hard work to promote "systems" from well established people who have been doing this for years and they continue doing so by the efforts of people like you and I.
There is nothing wrong with that I applaud them for that, they are doing what they know best and that is what bring them all the traffic and all the money.
That is how online business goes! Having said that, please do not fool yourself, the reality of it all is hard work, you have to take a step back and start thinking straight and applying certain basic criteria.
Do not get me wrong, I am no expert and I still get excited about offers I come across online or receive in my "inbox" everyday, but here what I do to minimize wasting my time: I call it "RIP" - Reverse Internet Psychology.
- I take a quick look at the offer and if it looks the same as most, with all those huge, cluttered "sales pages" which I have no time for, I just discard it.
- If there is anything unique about it which I identify myself with and it is sort of related to a "niche" I know or I am comfortable in promoting, I will take a closer look, read everything, compare, do some more research about the product and similar ones.
- Once I have decided it is a product or service worthwhile, I go even deeper, and this is where I start getting more excited and the prospect of actually buying the product or becoming an affiliate for the product starts gaining momentum...
1) I type on "Google" the names of owner/owners which appear on the offer, just to see if they are legitimate, if they are coming from where they claim they are and to see if there is any bad reviews or scam reports about those specific offers online.
Once I am satisfied with that; 2) I look for the "contact us" or "support" form/email on the page, then I actually send an email to them asking more info about the product, the reasons I do that are simple, first I want to know if there is an actual human on the other side, second if in case I actually but the product I want to know if I will support s there and how quickly they will reply; 3) Finally, I look for the payment processors they use to take their orders, in despite of claims on the "sales pages" about"money back guarantee", I tend to stick to sellers who use reputable handlers such as"clickbank" because you are sure to get a refund in no time with "no questions" asked in case you are not satisfied with the product.
So, there you have it, once the ground work is done you are more likely to make a safer, satisfactory purchase and you are good-to-go! Note: In certain cases where a little suspicion arises or I see something that does not seem right, I will investigate further by checking who owns the domain names, also by checking the validity of links on emails (never click on links directly on emails), copy and paste on your browser address bar, if you use "Firefox" and the link to the site is not legitimate you will get a warning, also have a good anti-virus program installed to help protect you computer while browsing.
Please also note that my intention is not to discredit the work of online marketers, I believe that most are good people and have good intentions, I am merely giving here my account based on my own personal experiences, it is up to all of us to think and decide what is best for ourselves, I hope this helps a little, there is a lot more information to be shared but that is all I can think of at this time.
If you have any comments, suggestions or even questions I will be humbled to try to answer.
Have a Great Day! Marco Santoro