A science test was conducted on adults in different countries.
The citizens were asked a simple question: "How much is 10 x 100 grams?"
These are the results:
1) 90% of the USA citizens responded that apart from cheese and wine,
they were not interested in French "inventions".
2) 52% of the UK citizens replied that they did not want to change their
treasured British Imperial system.
3) 90% of the French citizens answered that the test was outdated
and should had been administered during a Bonaparte time.
4) 97% Germans responded promptly: "1 kilogram".
5) 80% of Indians responded that the problem was simple as three zeros
at the end of a number could be replaced by prefix "kilo", therefore,
1000 g equaled 1 kilogram.
6) 30% of the South African in Cape Town responded that science was
always a difficult subject for them; they customarily had been buying only
1 x 100 g or 2 x 100 g of a Hungarian salami.
7) However, 67% of Polish and Russians answered: "1liter"!
(NB.: Polish restaurants sell vodka in grams.)Conclusions:
Re 1) They are too complacent with some exceptions.
Re 2) Hmm, tradition...tradition...
Re 3) They know how to live...
Re 4) They are the best, obviously.
Re 5) "See how they run!"; forward, of course...
Re 6) The country will need technicians and Indian science teachers in a short future.
Re 7) The oil they have in their heads and in the ground,
they can easily change not only to alcohol.
Still, it is advisable to drink less vodka!The moral:
Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is
strongly forbidden for the calamity of all people, for all time.
Dissemination of SI/metric system is strongly recommended
"for the benefit of all people, for all time" (French Assembly, 1799).
The citizens were asked a simple question: "How much is 10 x 100 grams?"
These are the results:
1) 90% of the USA citizens responded that apart from cheese and wine,
they were not interested in French "inventions".
2) 52% of the UK citizens replied that they did not want to change their
treasured British Imperial system.
3) 90% of the French citizens answered that the test was outdated
and should had been administered during a Bonaparte time.
4) 97% Germans responded promptly: "1 kilogram".
5) 80% of Indians responded that the problem was simple as three zeros
at the end of a number could be replaced by prefix "kilo", therefore,
1000 g equaled 1 kilogram.
6) 30% of the South African in Cape Town responded that science was
always a difficult subject for them; they customarily had been buying only
1 x 100 g or 2 x 100 g of a Hungarian salami.
7) However, 67% of Polish and Russians answered: "1liter"!
(NB.: Polish restaurants sell vodka in grams.)Conclusions:
Re 1) They are too complacent with some exceptions.
Re 2) Hmm, tradition...tradition...
Re 3) They know how to live...
Re 4) They are the best, obviously.
Re 5) "See how they run!"; forward, of course...
Re 6) The country will need technicians and Indian science teachers in a short future.
Re 7) The oil they have in their heads and in the ground,
they can easily change not only to alcohol.
Still, it is advisable to drink less vodka!The moral:
Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is
strongly forbidden for the calamity of all people, for all time.
Dissemination of SI/metric system is strongly recommended
"for the benefit of all people, for all time" (French Assembly, 1799).