Acne affects the vast majority of teenagers and can continue well into adulthood.
Unfortunately, in many cases, acne is not simply confined to the face.
However, a natural body acne treatment is very similar to natural treatments for facial acne.
The following advice has proved effective for numerous acne sufferers.
However, results will differ, because each individual has different skin.
Therefore, you may find that some of these treatments work better than others do.
The trick is to find the best method for your own condition.
Homemade Body Acne Treatment Believe it or not, very simple ingredients from your kitchen cupboard can prove extremely beneficial in fighting acne.
Being natural, these body acne treatments have the benefit of improving overall skin health rather than simply trying to rid the body of acne.
Honey and Apple Honey has been recognized for its incredible healing qualities for thousands of years.
It has antibacterial agents and is therefore wonderful in the treatment of acne, too.
Similarly, apple has antioxidants and is good at ridding the body of toxins and bacteria.
Simply, grate some apple and mix it into the honey.
This wonderfully gooey mixture should then be applied to any area of the body that is affected by acne.
Leave for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
Once you have cleaned the honey and apple mixture from your body, you may find it helpful to rinse in cold water, as this will close the pores.
Oatmeal Yes, good for your body both inside and out, oatmeal can make a wonderful body scrub or body treatment.
Mix some oatmeal with water and stir until you have a thick paste.
Apply this mixture to the areas of the body that are affected by acne.
As with the honey and apple treatment, leave for approximately 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.
Again, you may find it beneficial to rinse with cold water afterwards.
Egg White, Witch Hazel and Lemon Another simple body acne treatment, this mixture is easy to make and extremely effective.
Witch hazel and lemon are both known to possess antiseptic qualities and will therefore help to fight the bacteria that cause acne.
In addition, the egg white will help to improve the health of the skin and give a silky smooth complexion.
Whisk an egg white (two if you are treating a large area) until stiff, and then add a few drops of witch hazel and lemon juice.
Place this on the area, or areas, of your body that are affected by acne and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash the mixture off with warm water and then rinse with cold water to ensure that the pores contract.
Of course, if you are allergic to any of the above ingredients then it should be avoided.
Similarly, if you are already taking medication or using a topical cream, it is wise to seek the advice of your doctor before taking up another body acne treatment..
As mentioned above, the effectiveness of these treatments will vary from one person to the next, but the natural ingredients will provide better skin health and do not pose the threat of negative side effects.
Unfortunately, in many cases, acne is not simply confined to the face.
However, a natural body acne treatment is very similar to natural treatments for facial acne.
The following advice has proved effective for numerous acne sufferers.
However, results will differ, because each individual has different skin.
Therefore, you may find that some of these treatments work better than others do.
The trick is to find the best method for your own condition.
Homemade Body Acne Treatment Believe it or not, very simple ingredients from your kitchen cupboard can prove extremely beneficial in fighting acne.
Being natural, these body acne treatments have the benefit of improving overall skin health rather than simply trying to rid the body of acne.
Honey and Apple Honey has been recognized for its incredible healing qualities for thousands of years.
It has antibacterial agents and is therefore wonderful in the treatment of acne, too.
Similarly, apple has antioxidants and is good at ridding the body of toxins and bacteria.
Simply, grate some apple and mix it into the honey.
This wonderfully gooey mixture should then be applied to any area of the body that is affected by acne.
Leave for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
Once you have cleaned the honey and apple mixture from your body, you may find it helpful to rinse in cold water, as this will close the pores.
Oatmeal Yes, good for your body both inside and out, oatmeal can make a wonderful body scrub or body treatment.
Mix some oatmeal with water and stir until you have a thick paste.
Apply this mixture to the areas of the body that are affected by acne.
As with the honey and apple treatment, leave for approximately 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.
Again, you may find it beneficial to rinse with cold water afterwards.
Egg White, Witch Hazel and Lemon Another simple body acne treatment, this mixture is easy to make and extremely effective.
Witch hazel and lemon are both known to possess antiseptic qualities and will therefore help to fight the bacteria that cause acne.
In addition, the egg white will help to improve the health of the skin and give a silky smooth complexion.
Whisk an egg white (two if you are treating a large area) until stiff, and then add a few drops of witch hazel and lemon juice.
Place this on the area, or areas, of your body that are affected by acne and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash the mixture off with warm water and then rinse with cold water to ensure that the pores contract.
Of course, if you are allergic to any of the above ingredients then it should be avoided.
Similarly, if you are already taking medication or using a topical cream, it is wise to seek the advice of your doctor before taking up another body acne treatment..
As mentioned above, the effectiveness of these treatments will vary from one person to the next, but the natural ingredients will provide better skin health and do not pose the threat of negative side effects.