- 1). Go to the Beach.
- 2). Take a picture of the rock formation that looks like Kingler. It appears early in the stage.
- 3). Go to the Tunnel.
- 4). Use Pokémon food to lure Pikachu to the giant egg.
- 5). Play the Poké Flute, which will cause Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, freeing Zapdos from the egg.
- 6). Take a picture of Pinsir's shadow, which appears once Zapdos powers the generator.
- 7). Go to the Volcano.
- 8). Throw a Pester Ball into a crater at the beginning of the course. Smoke will rise from the hole.
- 9). Take a picture of the purple smoke plume that resembles Koffing.
- 10
Go to the River. - 11
Play the Poké Flute when you come near a sleeping Vileplume. It will wake up and stop releasing spores. - 12
Take a picture of the Cubone-shaped tree behind Vileplume. - 13
Go to the Cave. - 14
Take a picture of the shining rocks near the water pools. A constellation of Mewtwo will develop. - 15
Go to the Valley. - 16
Snap a photograph of Mount Dugtrio at the beginning of the stage.