- To tap a tree for sap, drill a hole about 2 inches deep into the tree, 2 to 4 feet above the ground. Place a spout in the hole and hang a collection bucket on the spout. Retrieve the sap at least every two to three days. Heat the sap slowly and boil it to produce maple syrup.
- Use a drill with 7/16- or 1/2-inch bit to make a hole in the tree. The collection spout can be metal or plastic and must fit into the hole. A plastic bucket, plastic bag or collection tubing can be used to collect sap. If you are using an open container such as a bucket, cover the bucket to ensure debris does not get into the sap. A pan is needed to heat the syrup as well as a wool filter to remove any debris after heating.
- Use a food thermometer to ensure that sap boils and becomes syrup, which happens when syrup reaches 7 degrees above the boiling point of water. Since syrup must be placed in containers when it is hot -- at least 180 Fahrenheit -- to prevent spoilage, use heat-resistant packaging.
Tapping Method
Types of Equipment