Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

When To Buy Her Flowers: The Happy Times Principle

We all have a friend who never wants to hang out, but only calls when he wants something? Annoying, right? Well, it's the same idea when it comes to giving a girl flowers. You can't just give her flowers when you want something or when times get tough. Early on, you need to set a precedent, by giving her flowers when things are good. This creates an association: €Flowers = Happy Times€. Then, when you make her mad or get in a fight, you can buy her flowers to recall those happy times. I call it the Happy Times Principle.

Here are some Happy Times to give flowers:

1. To Say €I'm Sorry€. Guys, we all know this works, but it works best when following the Happy Times Principle. Keep reading€¦

2. Just Because. This is the most important part of the Happy Times Principle. You must €" absolutely must €" give her flowers at random occasions €just because,€ two to four times a year. To make it really seem random, try to time it at least a week or two after any major events or big arguments. This keeps her on her toes, makes you seem slightly dangerous and unpredictable, and helps maintain the illusion that you both live in a Romantic Happy-Times Fantasy Bubble.

3. Third Date. Got a new gal, and want to show her you're a real gentleman? Pick her up at eight, and surprise her with a nice bouquet. It may seem corny, but she will love it. I'm going to repeat that. No matter how corny you think this is, she will love it. This works on any date, not just the third. However, flowers on the first date may be a bit too old fashioned, and flowers on the first OR second dates may create an unrealistic expectation that you are some kind of superhuman €perfect guy€. Which you are not. So, no flowers before the third date.

4. Birthday. Optional. There's always cake.

5. Anniversary. Obvious, but flowers are a great way to let her know you care about your anniversary €" and what better way to associate flowers with Happy Times?

6. The Next Morning. She finally let you do that thing last night! You know, that thing you've been begging her to let you do, but she didn't want to let you do it, and you kept bugging her about it, and she finally gave in and let you do it €¦ and it was amazing, just like you knew it would be. Send her some flowers with a little note that says €thank you for last night€ (or just €thanks€)! Remember, you're giving flowers to recall the what? That's right, the Happy Times.

7. Valentine's Day. Okay, this one is really obvious. Here in the US, Valentine's Day is a special day that was invented by flower companies to force you to spend three or four times more than you normally would on flowers. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
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