Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Body For Life Plan - A Framework For Success

The whole 'Body for Life' phenomenon started with The Body for Life book which was written by Bill Phillips and introduced onto the book shelves in 1999.
It was distributed initially in the United States and North America and quickly went on to become a bestseller.
The Body for Life plan is a simple no nonsense approach to transforming your physique into the best that it can be through the application of nutrition and exercise fundamentals that place the emphasis on a balanced diet combined with portion control plus a simple cardiovascular and weight training template.
The plan, or lifestyle, is split into 3 parts which last over an initial period of 12 weeks: 1.
Eating For Life - this contains all the nutritional aspects of the lifestyle such as the food types that we are allowed and the portion sizes to consider as well as the frequency of meals.
Cardiovascular Training - this involves high intensity training for a period of 20 minutes 3 times a week.
Weight Training - this is a training session that lasts about 46 minutes which is done 3 times a week.
The sessions alternate between upper body exercises such as chest and shoulders and the lower body.
One of the most notable aspects of this programme, other than how effective it can be if followed properly, is that it is by no means difficult to follow and is very manageable by most people irrespective of you age, current fitness level and experience.
As I have said earlier the programme lasts for an initial period of 12 weeks which is collectively know in Body for Life circles as a 'challenge'.
Many followers also continue onto another challenge after the initial one and some have gone onto totally transform their lives and compete in local and national figure and physique competitions.
The sponsors of the Body for Life programme run its own annual completion whereby 'challengers' submit a photograph taken before embarking on the challenge and an 'after' photograph as well as answers to a questionnaire that addresses issue that they had along the journey to their better body.
This submission is judged within various categories and prizes are awarded accordingly.
The Grand Champion wins a lucrative cash and sponsor ship deal to befit their status.
The commercial side of the Body for Life lifestyle consists of a food supplement business and a media company that distributes books that show how to get the best out of the programme.
There is also a very well organized and informative website that provides free access to download the eating and training templates as well as authorized foods and recipes and a helpful forum.
In my opinion the Body for Life lifestyle is a well organized and structured way to help educate and motivate yourself to obtain the best body that you can and in the process of doing so increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Body For life is a great way for people who not only need to lose weight but also for people who are at an accepted weight but want to improve their fitness levels and muscle definition.
The author has no medical qualifications; please consult a qualified Physician before embarking on any weight loss program.
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