Business & Finance Bankruptcy

Getting a Car Loan When You Are Bankrupt

Millions of people experience bankruptcy at some time in their lives. It can be an extremely difficult event to get through. Some people never recover. But if you're in the market for a new or used car you may still have the ability to get financed or get a loan. A number of companies exist that cater to this market and specialize in financing people with bad credit. There can also be different options for your particular situation.

If you are currently going through bankruptcy, or have just come out of bankruptcy, there are some things you should keep in mind when looking to obtain a car loan. Firstly, check your credit report and make sure it is accurate. If you have any open accounts, think about closing unnecessary ones so they do not negatively affect your credit rating. Also, it's a good idea to add a page explaining your situation in the report.

Before seeking out a car loan make sure you know exactly what you are able to afford. You don't want to be stuck with payments you cannot make or high interest rates that are unaffordable in the long term. Also, certain dealerships will have their own car financing departments. It's a good idea to fully explore all your different options before committing to one. Don't just jump into something without truly knowing what else is out there. Loans are commitments that you'll have to stick to, especially after bankruptcy. That's why it's best to know the ins and outs of all the different options in front of you.

You don't want to learn later on down the road that you will end up paying insane interest rates. Actually, one of the problems that arise when seeking bad credit car loans and financing is the interest you have to pay. You can reasonably expect it to be high as compared to a loan for someone not going through bankruptcy. However, there may be the option to refinance your financing after a couple of years. This is more likely to be allowed if, during the first few years, you make your full payments on time and maintain a good standing with your lender.

Sometimes one may need to deal directly with a bank to secure financing after bankruptcy. If you agree to direct deposit your paychecks at the bank, they may be more lenient to you in terms of getting a loan. Aside from the big banks, local credit unions are great sources for people looking to get financing with bad credit. In some situations you may need someone to co-sign the loan or provide a hefty down payment first.

Regardless of how you obtain the post-bankruptcy financing, it's important you stay diligent. Getting a car loan when bankrupt is the first step in rebuilding you rating. It's essential that you make payments on time and do not default. Make sure you know what you're getting into and that you are able to afford it fully, now and in the future.
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