Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quitting Smoking - Different Ideas That Work

If you have decided to quit smoking, congratulations! You are on your way to join the millions of people who have successfully quit smoking.
Let's look at a few of the methods that people use to stop: Aids What are the aids available? Nicotine patches, inhalers and gum are the main ones.
A doctor can also give you a prescription drug if you consult one.
These aids are especially helpful the first few weeks, especially if you feel like you are really suffering from strong withdrawal symptoms.
Severe irritability and bursts of anger which could have a negative effect on your life and relationships can be relieved by using these aids.
The rate of success with using them is higher than just quitting.
You should not need to take these aids for more than a couple of weeks.
Hypnosis Hypnosis is something that many people have found helpful in their goal of quitting smoking.
A hypnotist's suggestion that you won't have a desire to smoke any more is pretty convincing.
Hypnotherapy can work on minimizing or even abolishing cravings.
Even though some people are more susceptible to hypnosis, once the hypnosis works, the command should work on anybody.
Being wise about timing - like avoiding really stressful times can help in being successful in quitting.
Just Quit (Or going cold turkey) If you decide to simply stop, you will need a lot of focusand you can gain that through motivation.
Making a list of all the reasons that you want to stop may help you.
Keep adding to them even after you have stopped since you want more motivation when you have cravings.
Be really positive in your thinking.
A strong motivation to you may something as minor as noticing that your breath smells really good.
Any positive result to focus on with help you through.
Keep congratulating yourself on the little things that make you feel good that you quit! Going cold turkey, or simply stopping, sounds the most difficult but many people have been successful with it.
However, having some help can ease the pressure and help with the cravings and other withdrawal problems such irritability and anger.
Did you ever think that people go without cigarettes for about 7 hours every night? Even heavy smokers with a serious nicotine addiction manage to get through the night without a cigarette! It may help to keep that in your mind and realize that most people can go for much longer between cigarettes than they may think.
Most importantly, the fact that you want to quit is more important than which method you choose.
Don't put it off - just get started!
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