Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Would You Believe That "Rejection = Success"

I don't know about you but I hate to be rejected, this is just the worst feeling ever.
For me, rejection was one of my fears for a long time.
For a time rejection was running most of my life.
After meeting new people in the business world I learned that most of the successful ones also had to overcome their fear of rejection.
The most rejected people are the most successful, I can tell you that.
Just go and speak to some yourself, they will tell you.
If you are already in the business world than you already know about getting rejected A LOT.
If you are just going into business than get ready for rejection, but do not let this discourage you, just remember that the more rejection, the more success.
Many of us never flourish because of our fear of rejection.
We all carry this fear to some degree, so your not alone.
Sales is what leads to wealth, you must be selling something in order to reach wealth.
In order to sell you have to be rejected from those who are not interested in what you are offering, this is the only way to reach the ones who are interested.
When you really think about it, we all are selling everyday, we are selling ourselves to others each and every day.
This realization should come as a relief to those just getting started, we all have some experience in selling.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that nobody likes to be rejected.
The lesson I'm trying to teach is those of you who run from rejection are those who will be less successful.
If you want to be successful in life, you must be rejected more and more to get there.
There is a good side of being rejected.
The good side is that we can take each rejection and learn from it.
After being rejected, go back over all the events that led to the rejection and come up with different ideas you think would have changed the outcome.
The more rejection the more learning lessons you can have, the more learning lessons, the better salesperson you will become.
Here's the good news, the better salesperson you become, the more you will sell, the more you sell, the richer you will become, and this is a wonderful thing.
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