EDGAR stands for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval. It is a file format in which companies are required to submit details like registration statements and periodic reports to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. This information is collected such that it can be made available to general public.
Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) have tonnes of rules and regulations and several categories of forms. Moreover, these are constantly being updated. Companies are required to complete these forms and submit them to SEC in EDGAR format within a stipulated period of time or face a penalty. EDGAR has been in operation only for few years and since then companies have tried to do this task themselves, only to meet with failure. This is because of the very little attention it gets among other business activities. The regular updates and hiring of people to first learn and then do this task is way too much!
This situation gave rise to businesses that provide Edgar filing services and SEC compliance services as its specialty. Now companies can hire people to do their EDGARization and also other SEC services like XBRL.
So here is what companies should do
Find a trusted Edgar filing agent and give them plenty of time to get the required documents converted to Edgar format. This is not as easy as it looks. It requires a trusted partner.
Here are a few tips in finding the right Edgar filing agent
Turnaround time- This is the time taken by the agent to send across the completed task from the date of receiving the documents. Make sure that this time is not longer than 3 days. In most cases longer time means inexperience.
Payment procedure- It would be best to opt for a payment procedure where the agent sends you an invoice once the EDGAR filing is accepted by SEC.
EDGAR file conversion to Word- Ask if the agent allows for the final EDGAR files to be converted to a Microsoft Word document. This would be of great use when it comes to filing the documents the next time.
4. Proper communication- Take steps to ensure that the agent will be available on chat/call all through the EDGARization process if necessary. In case of doubts during the process, see to it that action is taken only after your consent. This has to be specified in advance.
Compare prices- Make sure that you compare rates of one agent with several others before you select your person. Try and ask for a free trial.
Follow these steps and you can find the best Edgar filing agent for the job. If you seem satisfied with the service, ask if they also undertake other SEC compliance services like XBRL. It would be best if you could get all your SEC tasks done at one place.
Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) have tonnes of rules and regulations and several categories of forms. Moreover, these are constantly being updated. Companies are required to complete these forms and submit them to SEC in EDGAR format within a stipulated period of time or face a penalty. EDGAR has been in operation only for few years and since then companies have tried to do this task themselves, only to meet with failure. This is because of the very little attention it gets among other business activities. The regular updates and hiring of people to first learn and then do this task is way too much!
This situation gave rise to businesses that provide Edgar filing services and SEC compliance services as its specialty. Now companies can hire people to do their EDGARization and also other SEC services like XBRL.
So here is what companies should do
Find a trusted Edgar filing agent and give them plenty of time to get the required documents converted to Edgar format. This is not as easy as it looks. It requires a trusted partner.
Here are a few tips in finding the right Edgar filing agent
Turnaround time- This is the time taken by the agent to send across the completed task from the date of receiving the documents. Make sure that this time is not longer than 3 days. In most cases longer time means inexperience.
Payment procedure- It would be best to opt for a payment procedure where the agent sends you an invoice once the EDGAR filing is accepted by SEC.
EDGAR file conversion to Word- Ask if the agent allows for the final EDGAR files to be converted to a Microsoft Word document. This would be of great use when it comes to filing the documents the next time.
4. Proper communication- Take steps to ensure that the agent will be available on chat/call all through the EDGARization process if necessary. In case of doubts during the process, see to it that action is taken only after your consent. This has to be specified in advance.
Compare prices- Make sure that you compare rates of one agent with several others before you select your person. Try and ask for a free trial.
Follow these steps and you can find the best Edgar filing agent for the job. If you seem satisfied with the service, ask if they also undertake other SEC compliance services like XBRL. It would be best if you could get all your SEC tasks done at one place.