Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

Standing on the Hot Coliseum Sand With the 800 Lady

It's Saturday at 3 AM, well actually Sunday, but let's not quibble, and you cannot sleep, which may have something to do with rising at Noon plus a two hour evening nap, or it might be the sauerkraut; so you are in your favorite recliner chair watching what passes for TV in the early Sunday AM, and the most interesting thing on TV at 3 AM Sunday morning is the advertisements.
Maybe it is the ever-razor-sharp ceramic knife, cause you did nick yourself cutting a sandwich with the 50 cent knife you have not sharpened in 10 years, or perhaps it's the wearable pillow which will eliminate those neck cricks you get from sleeping in a recliner, or its the vacuum space saving bags which will forever reorganize your entire existence, or any of the ab-workout systems, anyone of which could make you the lead in the next Superman or Terminator flick, but whichever, you must have it, and this means dialing the 800 lady.
These life-altering gems are not available over the counter.
You are about to step onto the hot coliseum sand against the 800 lady.
Your goal is to purchase your life-altering and enhancing items without spending all of your next two months of discretionary funds, which means an expenditure of let's say something between 20 and 40 dollars, and 800 lady's goal is to get your total tab to something over 60 dollars, hopefully to 80 or even 100 dollars.
You do this a few times a year, and mainly, you wing it; 800 lady does this 40 hours a week, week in and week out, and she has hands-full of the very best professional scripts.
And 800 lady has strategy in her favor.
These ads are oh so cleverly crafted.
The price for this unique item is not one-hundred dollars, nor seventy dollars, nor the fifty dollars even a tightwad would expect to pay, but a mere 29.
95 USA dollars, and get not one, but two of these priceless gems for this same minuscule price, just pay separate handling and shipping for each treasured item.
Generous handling and shipping of course, since it must cover the product cost, the packing, the shipping, collecting, and some of the 800 op and ad costs.
Now that you are chasing this dream, of course you want it yesterday, and for a modest increment 800 lady can assure expedited order fulfillment and delivery.
800 lady offers a wide range of accessories, coordinated items, warranty extensions etc.
When you duel with 800 lady on the hot coliseum sands, Roman silver denarii are going to be shed, and all the smart money is on 800 lady.
See you real early Sunday AM next week, same time, same place, same duel.
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