Women of all ages are body-conscious because of the images of skinny models splashed on fashion magazines and billboards. Young girls are more susceptible and develop dangerous eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa under the pressure to look slim. The desire to lose weight becomes more important than anything else. They may even lose the ability to see themselves as they truly are.
Anorexia nervosa:
This is a complex eating disorder that has three main features:
Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
An intense fear of gaining weight
A distorted body image
The majority of people who suffer from anorexia deny that they have a problem but it is vital to remember that it is a deadly and life-threatening disorder. Fortunately, there is treatment for anorexia nervosa. With proper treatment and support, one can break anorexia's self-destructive pattern and regain health and self-confidence once again.
Treatment and Therapy:
Anorexia is both a physical and psychological problem which is why a team approach is best. There will be medical doctors, psychologists, counselors and dieticians involved in the treatment for anorexia nervosa. The participation and support of family and friends also plays a huge role in the success of the treatment.
Bulimia Nervosa:
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves frequent episodes of binge eating, followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight. It should be noted that this disorder does not necessarily involve purging. If patients make up for their binging by exercising excessively or going on crash diets, it qualifies as bulimia.
There are a number of bulimic symptoms that one should look out for. Apart from binge eating and purging signs and symptoms, there are also physical signs to look out for. These physical signs are as follows:
Calluses or scars on the knuckles or hands from sticking fingers into the throat to purge by inducing vomiting
Puffy cheeks which are a result of constant vomiting
Discolored teeth which are caused by exposure to stomach acid when vomiting
Frequent fluctuations in weight due to alternating episodes of binge eating and purging are another sign of bulimia.
Treatment and Therapy:
It is important to get professional help early on, follow through with treatment and resolve emotional issues that caused the disorder to start with. Here are a few things to expect from bulimia therapy: breaking the binge and purging cycle, changing unhealthy thoughts and patterns and solving emotional issues.
Anorexia nervosa:
This is a complex eating disorder that has three main features:
Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
An intense fear of gaining weight
A distorted body image
The majority of people who suffer from anorexia deny that they have a problem but it is vital to remember that it is a deadly and life-threatening disorder. Fortunately, there is treatment for anorexia nervosa. With proper treatment and support, one can break anorexia's self-destructive pattern and regain health and self-confidence once again.
Treatment and Therapy:
Anorexia is both a physical and psychological problem which is why a team approach is best. There will be medical doctors, psychologists, counselors and dieticians involved in the treatment for anorexia nervosa. The participation and support of family and friends also plays a huge role in the success of the treatment.
Bulimia Nervosa:
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves frequent episodes of binge eating, followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight. It should be noted that this disorder does not necessarily involve purging. If patients make up for their binging by exercising excessively or going on crash diets, it qualifies as bulimia.
There are a number of bulimic symptoms that one should look out for. Apart from binge eating and purging signs and symptoms, there are also physical signs to look out for. These physical signs are as follows:
Calluses or scars on the knuckles or hands from sticking fingers into the throat to purge by inducing vomiting
Puffy cheeks which are a result of constant vomiting
Discolored teeth which are caused by exposure to stomach acid when vomiting
Frequent fluctuations in weight due to alternating episodes of binge eating and purging are another sign of bulimia.
Treatment and Therapy:
It is important to get professional help early on, follow through with treatment and resolve emotional issues that caused the disorder to start with. Here are a few things to expect from bulimia therapy: breaking the binge and purging cycle, changing unhealthy thoughts and patterns and solving emotional issues.