Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Bacterial Yeast Infection is Just Around the Corner

Of all the types of bacterial infections present, bacterial yeast infection is among the rare infections that take place in human bodies but when they do occur, the patient gets to be subjected to very disturbing moments as long as the infection continues to persist. This infection is brought about by an increase or overgrowth of yeast bacteria that is somehow always present in our bodies which means the bacteria can be found in our digestive tracts, in our mouths, but most of the time, they are found around our genitals. They choose to settle in these areas because they prefer staying in places that are moist and warm in nature in order for them to multiply faster and survive better.

Women often fall victims to bacterial yeast infection because of the favorable conditions provided to the bacteria inside the woman's vagina. When the yeast bacteria start to exist in large numbers inside the woman's vagina, they often cause an itching effect that is usually accompanied by a severe burning feeling around the vaginal area which includes the labia, vulva and the vagina itself. Accompanying these effects, may be a discharge that comes out of the patient's vagina. This discharge is most of the time thick and cloudy or at times white in color resembling the cheese cottage. The discharge may also contain a strange odor which may not be commonly found in the vaginal area. However, though rare in men, a presence of bacterial yeast infection would largely be felt by experiencing irritation on the penis and having a painful burning feeling whenever the patient is urinating. These effects tend to worsen as you continue staying without taking appropriate treatment.

Sexual contact can be used to transmit these bacteria from one partner's sexual organ to the other though this is not the main route of transmission. Yeast bacteria are said to be existing inside the woman's vagina.They usually stay there without causing any harm but whenever body conditions change and make them to proliferate, it is this time that harm can come out of these bacteria. These body changes include, diabetes or having high levels of sugar in your blood. These conditions can easily be caused by hormonal changes due to menstrual cycles or being pregnant, taking of medication that contains a given amount of steroids, abuse of antibiotics when treating infections, taking of birth control pills or other forms of body hormonal contraception and lastly through wearing of tight pants by both men and women.

Something to note is that, bacterial yeast infection can not only occur in adults but can also occur in babies and children belonging to either sex. Babies are able to get this infection when feces containing yeast bacteria in their diapers come into contact with their genital organs. In addition to this, it is said that when a woman having a yeast infection is giving birth, there is a great chance that the yeast bacteria around the vagina may infect the newborn baby with an oral thrush infection in the mouth something that can in turn infect your breast. This breast infection makes the breast feel pain whenever you are feeding the baby and may at times cause bleeding.

For proper treatment of bacterial yeast infection, it is highly advised that you consult your doctor so that he can first perform a diagnosis before prescribing you with any form of treatment. This is important because it prevents you from mistaking the infection with other resembling infections and start using wrong medication that may harm you even more. After conducting the diagnosis, the doctor will be in a better position to advise you on which type of treatment you should undertake. However, common medications for yeast infections mainly consist of creams that are applied on the infected area and suppositories that are inserted also in the infected area. For those of you who may like to use natural solutions, consumption of yogurt containing live acidophilus bacteria will help to clear up this infection in the long run.

Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on bacterial yeast infection visit her site at BACTERIAL YEAST INFECTION
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