Health & Medical Anxiety

How to Handle Panic Attacks - Simple Things That You Need to Know

Panic Attacks are very intense feelings of being out of control.
Fear and anxiety and sends the body into a type of shock mode that often times resemble a stroke or heart attack.
An Attack sends the body into 'fight or flight' mode and this is as a direct result of an adrenalin rush into the body's system.
The best way to handle a an Attack is to first understand the physical symptoms that arise and find ways to combat these symptoms.
Symptoms of a Panic or anxiety attack include shortness of breath, shaking, racing heartbeat and chest pains, feelings of unreality and fear of dying.
There are simple ways of dealing with a Panic/Anxiety Attack 1.
Symptoms of the anxiety or panic attack can be controlled in less than five minutes only if you try calming down and try to reduce the amount of adrenalin being pumped into the blood 2.
Repeat to yourself that these symptoms are happening but they are not dangerous 3.
Constantly remind yourself that the panic attack is an innate emergency response and you will not die or pass out, you are in control.
Just as how we have a natural emergency response, we also have a natural calming response so you can deal with it.
Learn and adopt a relaxation technique and practice it on a regular basis 6.
Pay attention to the signs of a panic attack before it becomes intense.
Utilize your relaxation technique to bring about calmness.
Say to yourself 'this too shall pass, I can handle it am not going to die, I am calm' These are just a few simple ways outlined on how to handle panic attack.
Now pay special attention to this.
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