A female condom is not a new concept in the market though it is not as popular as the male condom. However, this flexible, thin, loose-fitting tube worn inside the vagina is slowly but surely gaining popularity. The device which is female controlled, the only of it's kind, has two soft rings. One ring holds down at the cervix in the time of intercourse while the other one stays outside the vulva, partly or partially covering the lipped area. It is a form of protection that bars sexual fluids including blood, semen or saliva from being shared between partners. It has a good record of effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancies. It is available as an over the counter product with instructions for the user.
A female condom is quite user-friendly though they might appear awkward with a first timer. They get easier with practice whereby you can insert them even eight hours before sexual encounter. Do not be in a rush when inserting this wonderful devise into your vagina but take time. You can lie down or stand up with one foot resting on a chair or better still, sit with your legs spread apart. With the condom in place you can decide to use lubrication during pumping to hold the condom in place. Addition of spermicide prior or after insertion can be an added advantage as it reduces the risk of pregnancy. However, a male condom and a female condom should not be used concurrently!
Always be cautious not to twist the condom during or after insertion. At least one inch of the open ended condom side stays outside the vagina. Spread out the lips using one hand while inserting the other squeezed part into the vagina. Push it using the inner ring a few inches after passing the pubic bone and past the now accessible cervix. During intercourse, the outer most ring should be held in place to avoid the female condom from slipping. The hand holding the condom in place can be used to stroke the clitoris to increase stimulation and heighten pleasure. After you are through with intercourse, twist and squeeze the outer most ring to arrest all the fluids inside the female condom inclusive of sperms. Do not be hasty but pull out gently and dispose it away.
There is no device that is as flexible as a female condom. It also doubles up as a dental dam. This is a counter measure taken to prevent transmission of sexual infections during the time of oral sex. The condom is simply cut at the closed end and then down one side. This results into a rectangular sheet that is then placed over the mouth of a partner or spread over the genitalia. A female condom harbors no side effects. However, there are chances it might break or slip during sexual intercourse. In case of such an accident happening, a woman can quickly take an emergency pill to prevent a pregnancy from occurring.
A female condom is quite user-friendly though they might appear awkward with a first timer. They get easier with practice whereby you can insert them even eight hours before sexual encounter. Do not be in a rush when inserting this wonderful devise into your vagina but take time. You can lie down or stand up with one foot resting on a chair or better still, sit with your legs spread apart. With the condom in place you can decide to use lubrication during pumping to hold the condom in place. Addition of spermicide prior or after insertion can be an added advantage as it reduces the risk of pregnancy. However, a male condom and a female condom should not be used concurrently!
Always be cautious not to twist the condom during or after insertion. At least one inch of the open ended condom side stays outside the vagina. Spread out the lips using one hand while inserting the other squeezed part into the vagina. Push it using the inner ring a few inches after passing the pubic bone and past the now accessible cervix. During intercourse, the outer most ring should be held in place to avoid the female condom from slipping. The hand holding the condom in place can be used to stroke the clitoris to increase stimulation and heighten pleasure. After you are through with intercourse, twist and squeeze the outer most ring to arrest all the fluids inside the female condom inclusive of sperms. Do not be hasty but pull out gently and dispose it away.
There is no device that is as flexible as a female condom. It also doubles up as a dental dam. This is a counter measure taken to prevent transmission of sexual infections during the time of oral sex. The condom is simply cut at the closed end and then down one side. This results into a rectangular sheet that is then placed over the mouth of a partner or spread over the genitalia. A female condom harbors no side effects. However, there are chances it might break or slip during sexual intercourse. In case of such an accident happening, a woman can quickly take an emergency pill to prevent a pregnancy from occurring.