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Kraft Paper Bags Are an Environmentally Friendly Product

Kraft paper bags are an excellent solution for companies who are seeking to lower the amount of impact that their business operations have on the environment.
While paper requires the use of trees to be manufactured, they decompose if exposed to the weather.
This means that these bags are not going to leave permanent residues or fragments outdoors or in landfills.
In addition to this, as many companies are concerned with how their business harms the environment, many paper bag manufacturers are growing trees on farms in a controlled fashion so that natural habitats of animals and forests are not destroyed in the process.
However, if you do not like the idea of new material bags, you can choose to invest in recycled bags.
The first step in acquiring Kraft paper bags for your company is to determine if you will want to go the route of recycled papers.
Unlike bags crafted entirely from new materials, recycled papers tend to have a slightly different colour and texture than new bags.
This colour and texture may it well with your needs.
However, if you wish your bag to have the same colour as newly manufactured bags, you will need to pay extra to have the recycled papers treated to look like new.
This can eliminate all cost benefits of using recycled paper.
In addition to this, the bleaches and colourants used to turn recycled paper into a newer looking state can be harsh if exposed to the environment.
You will need to closely evaluate how the bags are dyed if you are concerned about having recycled papers look like new.
If appearance is a major concern, your best option will be to use new materials from a specialty tree farm dedicated to quick growing trees specifically for paper.
Once you have settled on the type of Kraft paper bags that you want, you will need to determine if you require your logo printed onto the bag.
If you do require a logo, you will also need to determine if it must be on both sides of the bag.
Printers of these paper bags set prices based off of the number of colours used in the design of the bag and how many sides that has printing done on the bag.
Most commonly, you will be given the option of one colour and one side, two colours on one side, one colour on two sides and two colours on two sides.
If these basic options are insufficient for your project, you will need to have a custom order done to have your project completed.
Unfortunately, when more than two colours are required, the costs typically increase exponentially.
You can expect to have to add a base cost for each additional colour in addition to having to pay extra per bag.
If the colours you wish to have on your bag are not in the base list of colours, there are additional fees for every custom colour used.
This can cause astronomical increases of costs for your paper carrier bags.
Because of this, it is important that you balance the standards used by most manufacturers with maintaining your high quality logo or Kraft paper bags design.
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