Health & Medical Health & Medical

Green Tea and Ginkgo Bilboa - Why Are These Two of the Most Popular Supplements Available Today

Green tea and ginkgo bilboa are two of the most popular nutritional supplements on the market today, but why? Ginkgo bilboa is one of the oldest and most studied living species of tree.
It's leaves are one of the most studied botanicals across the globe at the present time.
Unlike green tea the leaves from this tree aren't usually used in there raw state.
They're concentrated into an extract (GBE).
It's been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years but it's only recently that scientific studies have been conducted to back up the claims made by Chinese herbalists.
One of the main benefits to adding this supplements to your everyday life is improved blood flow.
It dilates the blood vessels and reduces the stickiness of the blood platelets which in turn increase blood circulation around the body.
This is particularly beneficial when it comes to blood flow to the brain especially to the elderly.
It also contains two types chemicals called flavonoids and terpenoids.
These chemicals have potent antioxidant properties which can reduce the amount of free radicals in the body.
Free radicals are critical to life however when the body is over run by them they can be very harmful, causing cell damage, tampering with DNA, this can eventually lead to the onset of fatal diseases such as cancer.
Green Tea is available in many forms.
Pills, capsules, energy drinks, as an extract or just a plain tea.
The reason for this is the benefits of particular type of tea are so widely know.
Just like ginkgo bilboa it contains high concentrations of antioxidants to help keep the spread of free radicals under control.
It's also an aid for weight loss and found in many of the weight loss supplements available today.
If you want to use this as a way to lose weight I'd recommend you use it as a part of a synergistic multi vitamin, as dietary supplements have other ingredients that can have some really nasty side effects like headaches and sickness.
It's also used in energy drinks as it helps the body burn fat and not carbohydrate.
Fat burns much slower than carbohydrate and lasts longer giving you more energy for longer periods with the added benefit of reducing obesity due to the fat burn.
Over the last 50 years or so the amount of nutrients in everyday fruit and vegetables has decreased dramatically due to modern farming methods so it's now more important than ever to find other sources of nutrients these two are a good place to start but for a high quality synergystically balanced nutritional supplements you need to go to a specialist.
Check out my website to find out more.
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