Chia Seeds
The Secret Of TheTarahumara Barefoot Runners Is Chia Seeds!
The famous barefoot runners of the Tarahumara people know the power of chia.Men, women and children of this population have used chia for their running fuel and hydration. Chia seeds work as a fuel for these people and this is what makes them a legend! The distance they travel while running is truly astonishing!
The running seed grown by the Aztecs is now known as Chia Seeds. This herb only grows and produces it's seed up to 23 degrees north or south of the equator.Salvia hispanica is part of the mint family and is raised for it's oil seed.Chia is not just a supplement it is a complete whole raw food. It contains Omega - 3 to an immense level which makes it the top food with regards to health and is effective in curing various diseases along with their prevention. Chia herb is being grown by more and more farmers but is still not available everywhere. The internet is a great place to find and purchase chia.
Superfood quality comes in three parts with chia, proteins, fiber, and oil. The chia oil contains two parts omega-3 fatty acids in perfect ratio for proper health and nutrition. Another aspect of chia nutrition is the amino acids and antioxidants found in this superfood. These are some of the reasons why Chia seeds are a major contender for being the next up and coming super food! Because nutrients found in Chia can't be matched anywhere else.
Chia Seeds can be eaten with food or mixed with a beverage and then drank.Drinking plenty of water with the seed is important because of it's hydrophillic properties.
" Club Endurance Runners:
Long distance runners and athletes are now benefiting from chia seeds benefits. The seed acts like a sponge when added to water and soak up 7 to 9 times their weight. This process allows the athletes to draw on this hydration for a longer period of time.Milk is a great source of calcium, but chia seeds have 6 times more calcium than milk. Chia seeds also contain magnesium which is required by over 300 enzyemes in the body for DNA and RNA.Chia seeds for weight loss are multi-talented.Chia has the effect of making you feel full with the expansion of the fiber. Runners, football players, tennis and squash players can add Chia Seeds to their diet in order to improve their stamina, endurance and increase their time to train even more. Chia seeds side effects are increased energy, sharper focus, reduced inflammation, increased nerve and muscle reactions. All of us can benefits in so many different ways.
Get started today using this Superfood in your daily diet. The quality you purchase does make a difference I found that high quality blended chia seeds are worth the extra money.Find out more about blended chia seeds at this link. Buy Chia Seeds