Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Panic Room - Panic The Intruders! Save Your Household!

While Jodie Foster may have starred in the Hollywood flick, titled "Panic Room" and made waves with her fabulous performance of being in one while her home and life were under threat, the concept of a panic room in the house is a relatively new one and something many urban homeowners need to be educated upon - for their family's safety.
No-one likes the thought of a stranger breaking in to their home or harming their children anymore than they do having it happen when they are away for property damage or robbery motives can many a time give way to other serious crimes; this is the reason why the panic room is being advocated in modern homes with changing modern lifestyles that are open to more crime today than the years past.
Of course, many a time, it is a question of chance that an intruder picks your house to break-in but statistics reveal that its mostly a matter of finding the opportunity to do so that causes burglaries and other crimes in unprotected houses (e.
those lacking quality and dependable surveillance and security equipment).
So, to counter these situations and to ensure the family is not harmed - be it a small home or a big one - the usefulness of a panic room for taking shelter in when under threat, cannot be stressed enough.
A panic room is essentially a small, safe zone that is designed to serve as a place the family members can retreat to within the confines of their home when they fear intruders in the house, but is not a regular room; instead, it's just meant to serve as a temporary safe-zone till help comes.
Mostly richer households typically had panic rooms installed or the thrillers mentioned them as a worst case scenario requiring the residents of a home under threat to retreat and stay in the panic room till they got help; so it was a means to delay the danger not for eliminating it completely.
This is why panic rooms needed to have a phone line or mobile phone for the emergency situations so outside help could be called for in time.
However, panic rooms are typically small areas that hold few people for a short amount of time; they are not meant to be lived in as such.
At times, people store valuables for emergency use, besides some amount of cash, basic water, non-perishable snacks and proper lighting besides ventilation to ensure the comfort in a limited space for the people in the room, but the basic purpose is to safeguard people not property.
For those in the process of building a new home or shifting to a new one where they can accommodate a few changes, it is advisable to incorporate such a safe zone for their family's added protection besides the basic security equipment installation, even if it means giving up on some space.
A simple version can be incorporated with basic handyman's knowledge and tools for preventing intruders from coming to your home an d harming your family; it's easy enough getting the floor-plan for the layout of a house with a panic room, so get clicking and download one that is suitable for your needs.
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