Health & Medical Health Care

Easy to Prepare Home Sinus Cures

Whenever sinusitis attacks, here are some of the most popular, easy to prepare natural home remedies: oApple Cider Vinegar (ACV) This solution can be taken daily or as soon as one experiences colds or allergy How: Drop 1/8 to ¼ cup ACV in a 16 oz of water and drink.
Or simultaneously, take 2 Tablespoon of ACV with 8 oz of water Results: It helps to thin the mucous Side effects: large amount may cause nausea, heartburn or indigestion oSaline Solution This solution is a mixture of salt and water.
A pinch of baking soda can be added.
Another variation is the use of Neti pot, a teapot for nasal irrigation.
There are videos available that can guide people about properly doing this.
Nasal irrigations would result to a few coughing since fluids are drained in the throat.
How: Melt 1 tablespoon of table salt in 2 cups of water.
While lying down, drop one ounce of solution to the congested nostril with the nose dropper.
Tilt head slowly at about 45 degrees and continue to make 10 to 20 drops.
Result: Sinus drains or flushes down to throat.
Side effects: mild cases of allergic reactions oFenugreek Solution This includes the use of fenugreek leaves.
It is an old medicinal plant which works as an expectorant.
Other tea solutions also include sage, fennel or anise.
How: Boil 1 teaspoon of Fenugreek leaves in 1 cup of water.
Drink while warm.
Result: It shortens fever period and induces perspiration.
Side effects: diarrhea, gas, not advisable for pregnant women and those with allergy in peanuts.
oCumin Seeds This involves the use of black cumin seeds.
It comes from the Nigella sativa plant.
How: Wrap a few black cumin seeds in a thin and soft cloth.
Inhale for about 6-8 times.
Or roast cumin and ground.
When powdered, mix with 200ml honey and take it with a spoon.
Result: It relieves condition when inhaled.
Side effects: It is not advisable for pregnant, lactating women and diabetic patients.
oGarlic and Onion Remedy (pungent) This involves intake of small doses of garlic and onion daily.
This helps to loosen up sinus congestion.
Garlic is an antibacterial remedy.
One can also eat jalapeno peppers or horseradish.
How: Pound fresh raw garlic and eat or mix with soups.
Result: Sinus membranes are conditioned.
Side effects: Excessive garlic intake may cause headache, diarrhea, may worsen heartburn and cause few allergies.
oHumidification This involves inhaling through a hot steam bowl or vaporizer for 2-3 times a day.
Adding up eucalyptus oil is advisable with steam inhalation.
One can also undergo hot shower bath.
Cold mist machines can also be used inside the bedroom to moisture the place.
oExternal applications Hot and cold compresses can be applied to pain areas of the body.
Another way is to apply paste of basil/cinnamon/ ginger with water or milk in the forehead.
The abovementioned ways are more effective if sore nostrils are being pressed or rubbed.
Preventive Remedies to Avoid Sinus : oVitamin A rich diet This includes mango tomato, papaya, whole milk and egg yolk.
All these type of foods create healthy mucous membrane.
oJuices This includes carrot and cucumber juices with spinach or beet mixed with a 500ml juice.
This comprises 100ml beet, 100ml cucumber plus 300 ml carrot.
Or use a mixture of 200ml spinach with 300ml carrot juice.
Ripe grape juice is also advisable.
oAvoid dust, pollen, fur, dirt and some dairy products that may trigger sinusitis.
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