Health & Medical Health Care

Elder Care and the Use of a Computer

We got our first computer in 1988.
Anyone who has ever worked on an XT may feel the pain, but at the time it was a wonder.
Our elder's sons built her a computer a little later.
It helped her real estate business greatly even though the internet was still bulletin boards.
Why teach? The first time our elder used a computer was when she was in her sixties.
She could have retired but she didn't want to.
Learning how to use the computer kept her going for several years.
Earning an income isn't the only reason.
There are others.
A computer can help combat boredom, which is deadly to seniors.
The suicide rate in those 65 and older is the highest of any age group.
The internet provides a lot of information and games.
The next is family history.
While one of the historians in our elders can't type or use a mouse she can use voice to text software and tell the stories directly into a word processing document.
This is something we don't want to lose.
The third is communication.
A 93 year-old man who lived next door to our elder several years ago used Skype software to talk to his family on a regular basis.
Skype isn't the only service available.
Messenger software can be found on-line and most computers running Windows has it already on the computer.
It may be easier to use these than the telephone.
Who teaches: This may be a job for an expert.
A family member may become impatient and the elder may feel like there isn't enough respect being shown for the age difference.
In order to keep order in the family an outsider could be the right choice.
In fact our younger daughter taught computer (in the student's home) for several years.
When it can't be done: There will come a time with all of us when we can't master something new.
This happened to our elder when the computer mouse became an important part of using her computer.
She was afraid of it and no matter what we tried (including several different types of mouse) she could not get over it.
This is something that has to be handled carefully.
I can tell you from experience that it will be frustrating for the person having difficulties and *anyone* who tries to teach.
I *definitely* recommend outside help in this instance.
Friction still exists from our elder's mouse problem.
It is possible to teach our elders to use modern computer equipment.
Even if they have difficulties it's worth the try because gaining access to the computer and the web can bring so much happiness, whether it's talking to a great grandchild or finding out information they've always wanted to know.
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