So you have your "I support the troops" bumper sticker, and "ole glory" flies faithfully at your home.
You diligently support your local teams, celebrate your national pride holidays, and tithe at your local church.
You hold your party's lines on the key hot-button issues, whether it be your views on guns, abortion, homosexuality, and the Mexicans (they're all Mexicans, right, no matter which country they originate from).
So you are a patriotic American, right? And this notion absolves you of understanding any more or talking about politics? Wrong! If you do not even attempt to educate yourself and understand the major issues that dwarf the key hot button issues in the manner in which it will affect your life the you are a false patriot.
Our founding fathers knew of the importance of a populace educated in government.
"A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government.
In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing...
communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?" - George Washington If you make no attempt in understanding that the current refugee crisis is directly related to our American war on drugs, exporting of small arms to third world countries, and our growing poverty issue which drives the demand for drugs up.
Understanding some basic points of interest such as the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, the Citizens United and McKutcheon decisions, and the overwhelming influence of corporate money over political will.
I love this country, through my love I have tried to educate myself on not only the glorified elements of our nation, but also the bitter truth of how we arrived at this point.
Our nation's history is fraught with a great deal of tragedy, tragedies that continue on to this day.
Being an American means resilience, it means overcoming great obstacles, it means doing what others say can not be done.
It is time for the true patriotic American to come out in each and every one of us, it is time for us to reach down deep within ourselves and take the necessary measures to overcome our greatest obstacle, ourselves.
I have conviction that we Americans can lay to the side our petty differences, educate ourselves on the real issues damaging our society, and to prevail.
You diligently support your local teams, celebrate your national pride holidays, and tithe at your local church.
You hold your party's lines on the key hot-button issues, whether it be your views on guns, abortion, homosexuality, and the Mexicans (they're all Mexicans, right, no matter which country they originate from).
So you are a patriotic American, right? And this notion absolves you of understanding any more or talking about politics? Wrong! If you do not even attempt to educate yourself and understand the major issues that dwarf the key hot button issues in the manner in which it will affect your life the you are a false patriot.
Our founding fathers knew of the importance of a populace educated in government.
"A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government.
In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing...
communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?" - George Washington If you make no attempt in understanding that the current refugee crisis is directly related to our American war on drugs, exporting of small arms to third world countries, and our growing poverty issue which drives the demand for drugs up.
Understanding some basic points of interest such as the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, the Citizens United and McKutcheon decisions, and the overwhelming influence of corporate money over political will.
I love this country, through my love I have tried to educate myself on not only the glorified elements of our nation, but also the bitter truth of how we arrived at this point.
Our nation's history is fraught with a great deal of tragedy, tragedies that continue on to this day.
Being an American means resilience, it means overcoming great obstacles, it means doing what others say can not be done.
It is time for the true patriotic American to come out in each and every one of us, it is time for us to reach down deep within ourselves and take the necessary measures to overcome our greatest obstacle, ourselves.
I have conviction that we Americans can lay to the side our petty differences, educate ourselves on the real issues damaging our society, and to prevail.