So you have a golf slice and you're not sure what's causing it.
Is it your grip? Your swing path? Your ball position, or one of a dozen other causes you've been told about? Let me put your mind at ease...
there's only one cause! An open club face at impact! The bad news is that there are many causes for an open club face.
Here are the 5 main ones: 1.
Grip 2.
Ball Position and Alignment 3.
Club Face Positions 4.
Release 5.
Swing Path (or 'Over the Top' Swing) Fortunately, each of these is fairly simple to cure, thereby eliminating your slice (or at least cutting it down a bunch).
I've already talked about grip in a previous article called "Need to Cure Your Golf Slice? Get A Grip!" Let's address...
your address.
Your weak grip (which you've hopefully corrected if you've read my other articles) tends to promote a forward ball position.
That is, the ball is too far forward in your stance.
Often even ahead of the left foot.
If this is the case, you'll find yourself reaching for the ball and your shoulders will open up in relation to the target.
This will cause you to swing along your shoulder line instead of the target line, promoting, not only an open club face, but an 'out to in' swing path (we'll get to that in a later article).
It also causes a tilt to the left with the left shoulder and hip in a slightly down position.
Once you've developed a more neutral and solid grip, you should move your ball to a position more centered in your stance to square up the club face at address.
Your entire body will be more balanced and squared up to the target line and you're ready to start swinging toward the target with a squared club face, and it will definitely affect the path.
So, with grip and ball position covered, you should have a much less pronounced, if not eliminated, slice.
Is it your grip? Your swing path? Your ball position, or one of a dozen other causes you've been told about? Let me put your mind at ease...
there's only one cause! An open club face at impact! The bad news is that there are many causes for an open club face.
Here are the 5 main ones: 1.
Grip 2.
Ball Position and Alignment 3.
Club Face Positions 4.
Release 5.
Swing Path (or 'Over the Top' Swing) Fortunately, each of these is fairly simple to cure, thereby eliminating your slice (or at least cutting it down a bunch).
I've already talked about grip in a previous article called "Need to Cure Your Golf Slice? Get A Grip!" Let's address...
your address.
Your weak grip (which you've hopefully corrected if you've read my other articles) tends to promote a forward ball position.
That is, the ball is too far forward in your stance.
Often even ahead of the left foot.
If this is the case, you'll find yourself reaching for the ball and your shoulders will open up in relation to the target.
This will cause you to swing along your shoulder line instead of the target line, promoting, not only an open club face, but an 'out to in' swing path (we'll get to that in a later article).
It also causes a tilt to the left with the left shoulder and hip in a slightly down position.
Once you've developed a more neutral and solid grip, you should move your ball to a position more centered in your stance to square up the club face at address.
Your entire body will be more balanced and squared up to the target line and you're ready to start swinging toward the target with a squared club face, and it will definitely affect the path.
So, with grip and ball position covered, you should have a much less pronounced, if not eliminated, slice.