It is estimated that around 1-in-5 women have a high hairline. Often due to heredity, having a higher than normal hairline can be a real problem that some women desire to have fixed. When considering undergoing hairline lowering in New York, there are a few things that need to be considered. Price is always important, as well as recovery time, and effectiveness of the treatment. However, the first and foremost decision to make is the type of hairline lowering you would like to undergo. There are a few different options, such as surgical options and hair transplants. Which of these procedures is right for you? Let's look at the options.
Surgical Options
Hairline lowing surgery involves making an incision near the current hairline and moving it forward, after which the excess forehead skin is removed. This can bring your hairline forward as much as an inch and a half, depending on the elasticity of the scalp. This option is good for people who have some flexibility in their scalp and who already have a strong hairline. The choice of surgery also comes with the issue of stitches, which will be placed to close the incision. These usually dissolve within a few days, but it is important to consider this when choosing from your options. The issue of having stitches also means that a visible scar is a possibility. When looking into hairline lowering in New York is important to look into a surgical option.
Hair Transplant Option
Having a hair transplant is an exciting alternative to surgery when considering hairline lowering in New York. Of the two options, it is the most common. This option involves grafting individual hairs into the forehead. Grafting can involve the placement of anywhere from 1,200 to 2,400 individual hairs, depending on desired thickness of your hairline and how far the hairline is lowered. The results for this method are a bit slower to appear than surgery, taking as long as 10 months or more for full results to show. This is also a longer procedure, taking anywhere from 3 to 8 hours, as opposed to the 2 hours of the surgical method.
Hairline lowering in New York is an exciting prospect for anyone with an excess of forehead. The two main options of surgery and transplant are both appealing scenarios, with many positives and negatives to consider. The most important thing to consider when looking into having your hairline lowered is finding what works best for you. Being comfortable and happy is paramount when considering any change to your appearance.
Surgical Options
Hairline lowing surgery involves making an incision near the current hairline and moving it forward, after which the excess forehead skin is removed. This can bring your hairline forward as much as an inch and a half, depending on the elasticity of the scalp. This option is good for people who have some flexibility in their scalp and who already have a strong hairline. The choice of surgery also comes with the issue of stitches, which will be placed to close the incision. These usually dissolve within a few days, but it is important to consider this when choosing from your options. The issue of having stitches also means that a visible scar is a possibility. When looking into hairline lowering in New York is important to look into a surgical option.
Hair Transplant Option
Having a hair transplant is an exciting alternative to surgery when considering hairline lowering in New York. Of the two options, it is the most common. This option involves grafting individual hairs into the forehead. Grafting can involve the placement of anywhere from 1,200 to 2,400 individual hairs, depending on desired thickness of your hairline and how far the hairline is lowered. The results for this method are a bit slower to appear than surgery, taking as long as 10 months or more for full results to show. This is also a longer procedure, taking anywhere from 3 to 8 hours, as opposed to the 2 hours of the surgical method.
Hairline lowering in New York is an exciting prospect for anyone with an excess of forehead. The two main options of surgery and transplant are both appealing scenarios, with many positives and negatives to consider. The most important thing to consider when looking into having your hairline lowered is finding what works best for you. Being comfortable and happy is paramount when considering any change to your appearance.