Health & Medical Women's Health

7 Most Common Exercise Myths for Weight Loss

Follow the 7 most common myths that will help you to plan your exercise regime well to lose fat the easy way:
People believe that if they exercise for long hours they would lose fat fast and easy. However, this is not true. It is not necessary to dedicate hours to exercise. Spending just 10 to 15 easy minutes a day working out can help you in making good progress. you need to do the correct exercise for just 5 minutes to increase your heart rate and stimulate metabolism, your body will burn fat automatically. Follow a good exercise plan to see how fast you can lose weight dramatically. 
Crunches are often considered to be the best exercises for losing stomach fat, which is so untrue. People have been practicing crunches like crazy to lose weight, but they still keep complaining about their inability to eliminate fat from the belly. Different forms of exercises combined together can ensure proportional fat loss.
Spot reduction is no solution to weight loss. There is nothing called spot reduction actually. It is just that there are certain parts of the body that tend to accumulate more fat over time than the rest, which compels us to concentrate on those parts of the body than others. Our stomach and thighs are such vulnerable parts. But spot reduction techniques do not help. 

Cardio is often considered to be the best solution for losing fat. However, resistance training works much better than cardio for fat loss. Cardio exercises like cycling and running is not an appropriate solution for fast loss and this has been a proven fact, yet the practice still continues.
Machines are the ultimate for losing fat - the most common belief. However, if you take note, routine workouts and free hand exercises work better than anything else for weight loss. Cardio machines do not really work well, and these are not accurate too. Hence, think twice before indulging in such exercises.
Toning muscles is nothing but false. There is no way you can tone your muscles. It is just one of those terms that can confuse you. Muscles can be lost or built- nothing else can be done.
Resistance Training is known to be only for men. However, this is yet another myth that cannot be overlooked. Resistance training is meant for both the sexes. Hence, there is no point of discrimination.
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