- 1). Pour scratch remover or furniture polish on a soft cloth and rub it into the scratch. Wait a few seconds and then gently buff the area until it shines. This usually makes very fine scratches disappear.
- 2). Dab a cotton ball in iodine and rub it into the scratch to remove it. Dry the area with a paper towel.
- 3). Dab some solvent, such as lacquer thinner or denatured alcohol, on an inconspicuous part of the wood furniture. Wait for one of the solvents to soften the wood's finish. Use a small paintbrush to spread the appropriate solvent across the scratches, using diagonal motions. This blends the scratched area in with the rest of the wood.
- 4). Mix equal amounts of powdered pumice and mineral oil together in a bowl. Dab a piece of extra-fine steel wool into the mixture. Use the steel wool to gently apply the mixture to the scratch. Clean the mixture off the wood with a cloth or paper towel.
- 5). Boil a small pot of water and place a bag of black tea in it. Let the tea steep until the water turns dark. Use a thin cotton swab to apply the tea to the scratch.
- 6). Blend together a small amount of water and instant coffee to create a paste. Apply the paste to the scratches to conceal them.