Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Look! Up in the Sky! It"s a Bird! It"s a Plane! It"s - Ron Paul!

Ron Paul, like Superman, fights the never ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
Let's go back to that famous line once again; Truth, Justice and the American Way.
The creator of Superman chose Truth as the first word.
Why? Truth is the foundation of a civil community; it is the guiding light that leads us ever upward; spreading its glorious rays into the darkest corners of deception; exposing criminal behavior and fraud.
A shadowy world exists just beyond the luminous beams of Truth; a world that creates in order to destroy.
Hence, the Federal Reserve was created to destroy prosperity; the income tax was created to destroy the middle class; the creation of a lie -- weapons of mass destruction -- was used to destroy Iraq; and the Patriot Act was created to destroy individual liberty.
The creator of Superman knew the importance of Truth; and so does Ron Paul.
Prosperity will never flourish under a private banking cabal; the federal income tax damages the middle class; and our war in Iraq is illegal and unjustified.
He also knows the Patriot Act is a threat to our freedom.
The second word in Superman's bio is Justice.
Ron Paul always follows the Constitution; a document which holds our nation together.
Our Constitution is the RULE OF LAW.
Let me repeat that once again -- we are nation of laws.
We are not a nation of religion; culture; privilege; or monarchy.
Individual freedom rests upon law; law results in Justice.
The creator of Superman knew that all heroes fight for Truth and Justice.
The last part to Superman's bio is the American Way.
Why not stop at Truth and Justice? Why did Superman's creator include the words American Way? What this tells the reader is a hero places action to Truth and Justice.
It signifies a path; a means to apply the written concept to actual behavior; this includes morality; consciousness; and love for mankind.
Ron Paul has all these qualities, and that is why he is, like Superman, a hero.
Oh, and one more thing - Ron Paul doesn't need a cape.
hero/heero/ n.
a person noted or admired for nobility, courage, outstanding achievements, etc.
(The Oxford-American Dictionary of Current English)
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