Hi, my name is Kendra, and I would like to tell the story about the birth of my first baby. It was July 29th and I was 2 days overdue. Well, as you may have guessed, I was pretty nervous. I mean, I was only 19. At first, the doctor wanted to induce labor which he did, and that was 8:00 a.m, and after the enema, the doctor checked on me and there was no improvement, but first before they put me into labor, I had a pelvic x-ray, which showed the baby had a big head. So, I'm about to go crazy. At around 11:00, the doctor told me that if there wasn't any improvement, he would go ahead and do a C-section. At 12:00, I was scheduled to have one. They wheeled me downstairs to the operating room, and got me ready. This is, as most of you know, very uncomfortable, they had me on my side, and the oxygen mask was too big for my nose, and I couldn't hardly breath. But, I had a wonderful bunch working with me. After about 5 minutes, the man who was holding the mask over my nose, told me to just relax, and that I was going to feel a little tingle in my throat. Now, that actually hurt, but not for long because the next thing I knew, They were saying: "Kendra, Kendra, wake up". I felt my throat and the cut, but all in all it wasn't all that bad. They wheeled me out, and I was so sleepy, but I had to know whether it was a boy or girl. I asked the nurse what did I have. She smiled and told me I had a healthy big 9 pound boy. I named him Keymond. He is the joy of my life, and my little angel. Thanks for letting me tell my story. It's the day I will never forget!!!
Bye, Kendra
Bye, Kendra