About.com Rating
Duncan Ward's debut film Boogie Woogie has its moments. Oh, the shenanigans behind the scenes in London Art art world! Heather Graham's luscious fake boobs! Outrageously groomed toy poodles named Picasso and Matisse! Lesbian video art! At the center of the story is the titular Piet Mondrian that is going for $26 million dollars, if -- and only if -- the intractable owner will sell.
Adapted by Danny Moynihan from his own novel, the frothy satire features a star-studded cast that includes Gillian Anderson, Alan Cumming, Danny Huston, Charlotte Ramping, Stellan Skarsgard, and hot young actress Amanda Seyfried.
Boogie Woogie is good fun for a while -- until it's not. The film cannot sustain the giddy, fast pace that sets it off.
The contemptible behavior of the film's star players -- loathsome manager owner Art Spindle (Huston) and his star clients Bob and Jean Jean Maclestone (Skarsgard and Anderson) -- becomes mildly stomach curdling by the big finale set in a competitor's new gallery.
Boogie Woogie (2010)
Starring: Gillian Anderson, Alan Cumming, Danny Huston, Charlotte Ramping, Stellan Skarsgard, Amanda Seyfriend, Heather Graham
Directed by: Duncan Ward
Produced by: Cat Villiers, Chris Simon, Kami Naghdi and Danny Moynihan.
Cat Villiers, Chris Simon, Danny Moynihan, and Cami Naghdi
Distributed: by IFC Films
Runtime: 94 Minutes
IFC Films will open Duncan Ward's star studded satire BOOGIE WOOGIE on Friday, April 23rd in New York at the IFC Center. The film will be available nationwide on video on demand beginning April 21st.