Health & Medical Acne

The Adult Acne Treatment

To understand the adult acne treatment, you must first understand how acne infects the skin.
Acne is a disease that results from the accumulation of oil underneath the skin.
When this happens the pores become clogged.
This will continue to aggravate the skin and very soon after, infection will set in.
Propionibacterium [proh-pee-on-uh-bak-teer-ee-uhm] acne is the pimple bug, which causes this infection.
The Propionibacterium species are inhabitants of the skin and are common contaminants of blood and body-fluid cultures.
Excessive oil in the skin and the inability of the cells to properly shed equally will clog your pores.
When you have clogged pores and add the Propionibacterium acnes or P.
acnes to the equation, a "breakout" is sure to surface on your skin, when you least expect it.
Adult acne is called acne rosacea and is a chronic form of acne affecting the nose, forehead, and cheeks, characterized by red pustular lesions.
Adult acne is more commonly linked to elevated levels of stress.
As a result, some of the best adult acne treatments include frequently visiting your hobbies, plenty of exercise and anti-stressful activities.
Acne can be difficult to deal with, and can cause depression and anxiety in an adult the same way it can in a teen.
Pressure from work and family responsibilities is thought to possibly affect the normal balance of our hormones.
With these hormones out of whack, it is a sure fire way to bring out that bumpy surface on the skin we all fear.
Another key element of the treatment process is partaking in a healthy diet.
If you love hot, spicy food you could be contributing to your acne woes.
Along with spicy foods, greasy foods, alcohol consumption and smoking are all thought to have contributing factors to your adult acne.
So to help in your treatment, you may want to look at your eating and social habits.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a good alternative to junk for like chips or especially soda pop.
Try to consume water instead of sweet sugary drinks.
If you have trouble drinking plain water, try water with a hint of fruit flavor as an alternative.
Another great treatment is to use a NON-COMEDOGENIC product.
This term means that it will not clog your skin or pores.
Look around at your natural and organic food stores and look for these products.
They are becoming more and more popular as the general population is becoming more health conscience.
In severe cases of adult acne, sometimes it is just best to see a dermatologist.
Depending on the severity, they may have to prescribe a antibiotic or a medicine such as Isotretinoin, which is a vitamin A derivative.
Even with a proper skin care may not guarantee a flawless complexion.
But a good skin care regimen may aid in warding off bacteria that worsen adult acne.
Follow some of these easy tips, and treat your adult acne, and bring your beautiful skin back to life.
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