Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Fastest Ways to Declutter Your Home

    • De-clutter you home using these simple tips.Living room image by MAXFX from Fotolia.com

      Staying in a house for an extended period of time can lead to clutter accumulating in the home. As a result, it may be difficult to keep a house looking clean and organized. Paper and plastic are constantly added to a house in several different forms. There are several ways to remove clutter from your home fast, thus making it simple to transition back into having a organized space.

    Junk Mail

    • According to United States Forest Service statistics, the average American household receives about 800 pieces of junk mail every year. Over time, these pieces of junk mail can accumulate into piles of trash inside a house. Stop receiving unwanted commercial mail to drastically limit the amount of paper you bring into the household.


    • Often clothes are accumulated over several years, but seldom worn. Clothes that spill from the closet into boxes, cartons and garages can lead to a lot of clutter around the home. There are several options to get rid of clothes that you choose not to wear any longer. Donate the clothes to charity, a homeless shelter or any other organization that will find the clothes useful. Give clothes to friends or family members that similar to your size and weight as a "hand-me-down," to ensure further wear. Individuals hoping to earn some extra money can also have a garage sale centered on unwanted clothes.

    Books, Magazines and Newspapers

    • Magazines, books and newspapers work to create a lot of literary clutter in the home. Often times, newspapers and magazines after left lying around long after the publication date and are never read again. Completed books also sit for an eternity on a bookshelf. Donate your old magazines, books and newspapers to libraries, schools, hospitals, and elderly homes to clear up space in the house. Visit your local library and borrow books to enjoy reading, while keeping your house free from mess. Use your newspaper or magazine by visiting their respective websites.

    Grocery Bags

    • According to American Plastic Manufacturing, the average American uses around 500 plastic bags a year. These tend to take up most of the kitchen, including the bottom of the sink, cupboards and pantries. Visit a major grocery store, and donate any plastic bags found in the house into the available recycling bins. Invest in a couple of reusable grocery bags, and take them with you to the store to use instead of plastic.

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