Download free original screenplay of In with Thieves sexy crime drama and watch movie free online (bootlegs are everywhere) to see how an indie film is conceived by screenwriting and born through the labor of delivering a movie.
I am one of many indie filmmakers that feel much more comfortable writing my own scripts because I know going in the story, cast, and locations all have to fit the budget and time constraints of independent cinema.
When I wrote the In with Thieves screenplay I knew exactly how much money there was to make it work.
IMDB has an estimated $165,000 budget listed that is in accurate as if I falsely claimed to post how I seduced Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Day, Vida Guerra, and Lucy Liu in a dive bar located in Barstow.
The reality was I had a fixed budget that left no room for reshoots or 20 take scenes.
Cast and crew had to keep moving to get pages shot.
The original script you can download is longer than I usually write.
104 pages and 125 scenes are a lot to take down during an indie film shoot.
The positive was that I was directing fully aware of what needed to be done and the script had gone through post-production for editing notes with film editor Tim Beachum before one frame was shot.
Then like with all movies, there were unpredictable events that came to life.
Even the artwork changed during distribution.
One supporting actor with limited, but important scenes, did not show up for a day of shooting that threw the entire shooting schedule off big time.
No extra money to push a scene to another day.
It boiled down to doing rewrites on set on the fly, dumping scenes, and working around an actor that did not show up on an important day of filming.
The screenwriter in me was going crazy.
I like to weave many threads into storylines.
If an actor is a no-show I am reluctantly ready to massage the plot and write them out of the movie.
Does a part of my screenwriting heart get disappointed? Yes.
Does the producer and director part keep pushing forward to finish.
Indie filmmaking is all about making changes and seeing a movie done without having to going back hat in hand to beg for money from film investors because of a problem that can be adapted to and overcome.
I made the mistake recently of investing money into a friend's short film to get them started.
I never fund outside projects, but this was a friend.
Two days into shooting the movie was over because they could not adapt to changing what they had written on the page during production.
As far as I know I set up free script download for In with Thieves on my blog.
This is the story I had envisioned playing to movie audiences.
There had to be some changes due to circumstance.
Read the script and watch the movie as a good example of how what is written on a page does not always make the final cut.
This is indie filmmaker typing CUT TO.
I am one of many indie filmmakers that feel much more comfortable writing my own scripts because I know going in the story, cast, and locations all have to fit the budget and time constraints of independent cinema.
When I wrote the In with Thieves screenplay I knew exactly how much money there was to make it work.
IMDB has an estimated $165,000 budget listed that is in accurate as if I falsely claimed to post how I seduced Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Day, Vida Guerra, and Lucy Liu in a dive bar located in Barstow.
The reality was I had a fixed budget that left no room for reshoots or 20 take scenes.
Cast and crew had to keep moving to get pages shot.
The original script you can download is longer than I usually write.
104 pages and 125 scenes are a lot to take down during an indie film shoot.
The positive was that I was directing fully aware of what needed to be done and the script had gone through post-production for editing notes with film editor Tim Beachum before one frame was shot.
Then like with all movies, there were unpredictable events that came to life.
Even the artwork changed during distribution.
One supporting actor with limited, but important scenes, did not show up for a day of shooting that threw the entire shooting schedule off big time.
No extra money to push a scene to another day.
It boiled down to doing rewrites on set on the fly, dumping scenes, and working around an actor that did not show up on an important day of filming.
The screenwriter in me was going crazy.
I like to weave many threads into storylines.
If an actor is a no-show I am reluctantly ready to massage the plot and write them out of the movie.
Does a part of my screenwriting heart get disappointed? Yes.
Does the producer and director part keep pushing forward to finish.
Indie filmmaking is all about making changes and seeing a movie done without having to going back hat in hand to beg for money from film investors because of a problem that can be adapted to and overcome.
I made the mistake recently of investing money into a friend's short film to get them started.
I never fund outside projects, but this was a friend.
Two days into shooting the movie was over because they could not adapt to changing what they had written on the page during production.
As far as I know I set up free script download for In with Thieves on my blog.
This is the story I had envisioned playing to movie audiences.
There had to be some changes due to circumstance.
Read the script and watch the movie as a good example of how what is written on a page does not always make the final cut.
This is indie filmmaker typing CUT TO.