Business & Finance Home Based Business

A full time income part time

One of the best things about network marketing is that
you can generate a full time income on a part time
basis just doing the right things and having the right
systems in place to help you along. But, to be honest
it's not for everyone.

I was at the doctor's office yesterday and was speaking
with the office manager who is a very nice lady, but
definitely a talker.

Usually I try to keep it short with her because I know
if I egg her on too long she'll tell me everything
that's happened in the last 3 months since my last
visit and not miss a beat.

I'm sure you know people like this, nothing wrong with
it, just some people were born to talk.

We'll I was switching physicians because of locations
and decided to hang out a little bit. She said "I just
got a new job offer!" I replied "Congrats!"

I asked here a little about what it was all about and
decided to let her in on my little secret. I generally
don't go around telling people what I do, but yesterday
was the exception.

I told her all about my recent adventures in Singapore
and what had transpired over the last couple of years
and tried to end with the idea that you can literally
create any life you desire if you have faith enough in
it and you persist.

You could tell by the way she paused that I had opened
a door in her mind and she was starting to ask herself
"What if", but here is what came out of her mouth and
here is why network marketing, no matter how grand,
just isn't for everyone.

She had a twinkle in here eye for a second and then..
.out came all the excuses as to why she couldn't.

She told me previously that she dreamed of owning her
own home after her divorce some years ago, but felt it
was completely impossible with her being a single
mother with two kids and living pay check to pay check.

I said through your own business you'd have complete
control of your life, you'd never have to fear being
fired if your boss is having a bad day and that dream
of having a house wouldn't be a dream any longer.

I was too much for her. Her mind would not accept the
full possibilities that life had to offer and reacted
with all the things she had to do like laundry and
cooking dinner for her two sons.

Not enough time to start business or take control of
your finances with all the things going on.

I left it alone. I had enjoyed our conversation and
left the office rejuvenated for sharing hope and a new
away of looking at life and later in the day I had a
huge breakthrough I'll tell you about tomorrow.

Some people aren't made for network marketing because
the possibilities are too large for them right now.
That's them, but realize your ability to think past it
all makes you an amazing and rare bird and you should
be proud of that.
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