Travel & Places Camping

Rafting In Rishikesh With Adventure Activities

Rafting is an amateur activity to sail water bodies with thrill of passing hill side and forest in rapid floating. Rafting is usually done on white water or variable degree of water in degree to thrill and excite the raft passengers. It originated in western country and from some past decade it is becoming famous in India.

White water rafting is one of the favorite leisure sports for adventure lovers. People go for rafting to overcome the fear of water and to tackle the merciless river. Your first encounter will be the beginning of the addiction and let me warn you how much addictive this sport is.

Rishikesh offers opportunity for everyone whether you are traveling alone, with your family or friends. Rafting on the water of river Ganga is certainly an unforgettable experience. So come at Rishikesh to enjoy life time experience on the ferocious Ganga. If you really want to go head to head with thrill and adventure Rafting would be the best idea.

Rafting in Rishikesh on the Ganges River is one of the busiest white water rafting destinations in the world, attracting people from all over the globe to plop in the river Ganga.

About rafting in Rishikesh
  • It is popular sport here the place which is gift of nature. Rafting and rushing in devastating waves to feel the life time excitement along with the beautiful landscape of Rishikesh which ones goes immersed in the scenario while rafting.
  • Rafting camp and Raja Ji national park creates perfect location for the lovers of rafting. Tone of river Ganga in the morning is pleasant to listen.
  • It is in the balance with the nature with the conservation of environment as like other outdoor activities.

What make Rafting in Rishikesh unique?

River tone of Uttarakhand is rated amongst toughest of the world by professional rafters.  We keep safety measures in mind while taking you for the voyage through the Himalayan River.

We offer complete Rafting expeditions; we have multi day River Rafting trips as per your desire. We customize you to schedule you trip according to your time.

March and July is the best time for river rafting in rishikesh because water level remains moderate and people can do rafting easily and safe. Summer is the best time as humidity level is not much high and you can come and relax on the sore of river Ganga.

Rafting has became much safer since last one or two decade as the skill and technique of Rafting has increased. You need to bring swimwear, a tong with good grip and if in winter warm evening cloths and rest will be provided by crew members like Avon rafts, helmets, life jacket, plastic paddles and safety equipments.

The river grades on 1 to 6 people including a trained instructor depending upon size and efficacy of raft. We cares for your life as rafts are made very scientifically with standard force of buoyancy as required in water level.

 One must go once in lifetime for Rafting to feel the pleasure of adventure.
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