Travel & Places Camping

Quick Erect Tents Can Save You Time to Enjoy the Outdoors

One need go no further than their own desktop or local sporting goods emporium to find that quick setup tents are a good deal.
Not only do they make your camping experience more pleasant, they combine advanced materials and equipment design as demanded by the most extreme aficionados.
Where does the magic in these amazing products begin? The various manufacturers all share a few of the same claims.
They say that the tent can be set up and ready to go in less than one minute! This may seem outlandish, but in fact, is true, because the fully pre-assembled tents basically unfold into their complete form with a pop-up style design.
The materials that go into this equipment include polyester that is tough and resistant to the elements.
Wind and rain should be no problem.
The material is also fire-retardant.
The poles which create the dome of the tents are fiberglass or aluminum, which are flexible and lightweight.
Versatility is another quality to be found in these tents.
They come in one, two or even four man sizes.
When open, there can be plenty of room to stand nearly upright.
They feature at least one door and window, which can be zippered open or shut.
Many offer a rain fly, which is extra protection against showers, but may be removed or not used at all if weight is an issue while hiking in to a campground.
The whole point of this great use of technology is that one may choose to go hiking, camping, or just out to the backyard, and in no time at all, the campsite is ready and your adventure has begun.
The novice camper has nothing to fear, and the expert can simply spend more time enjoying the great outdoors.
The old struggle with poles and canvas is a thing of the past, as quick setup tents have become a standard option for every level of camper.
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