- 1). Inspect the terrace wall and note any places where the wall is cracking, crumbling or weak. Remove any loose stones with the aid of a chisel or pry bar and set aside.
- 2). Locate replacement stones that will fit the damaged area. If the damaged stones are square, rectangular or shaped in some other way, you may have to cut the new stone to fit. If you do not have the supplies for this, measure the gap in the wall and have a stonemason cut a new stone to fit the area on the wall.
- 3). Dampen the new stone and the stones surrounding the damaged area. On all sides of the hole, spread a layer of cement one-third of an inch thick. Slip the new stone into place. Add any additional cement necessary to fill the gap between the new stone and the old stones. Allow to dry for 24 hours before disturbing the stone.
- 4). Stack stones on top of one another to repair a crumbled area of a stone wall. Pry out an uneven section of the wall on both sides so that the new section of stone fits in with the old sections.
- 5). Place the new stones on top of each other in a two-over-one/one-over-two pattern. Make sure the new pattern fits in with the original wall pattern. Use cement applied with a trowel to hold the stones together. If you use heavy stones, then use a thick board to create a ramp against the wall so you can roll the stones into their appropriate location. Allow the wall to sit for 24 hours before you allow anything near the wall.