Most states require you to have an automobile insurance card in your vehicle while it is being operated.
In some states the proof of insurance is done at the registry and no card is required.
In New Hampshire and Wisconsin no auto insurance is required at all.
The card itself should have your name, policy number, and the contact information for the automobile insurance company.
The auto insurance card is an important document and you should request one even if your state does not require one.
In Massachusetts there is no requirement to carry an insurance card, but if you live in MA and plan to drive through a state that requires you have one it is better to have it than not.
The penalty for not having proof of insurance can range from a ticket, which is a moving violation and will raise your insurance premiums, to license suspension.
In Florida, for instance, they can suspend your license for up to three years or until you get insurance and pay a re-instatement fee which can be up to five-hundred dollars.
As you can see having the proof of insurance card with you is very important in order to stay out of trouble.
If you bought your automobile insurance online you are better off in case of a lost or stolen card.
By purchasing your auto insurance online not only will you save a bunch of money you will also cut down on the inconvenience of not having an automobile insurance card if you lose yours.
The cards can be downloaded and printed at any time of the day or night.
Replacing your lost insurance card is not the only benefit to shopping for auto insurance online.
By purchasing your car insurance online you will have access to all of your insurance documents at any time of the day or night.
In some states the proof of insurance is done at the registry and no card is required.
In New Hampshire and Wisconsin no auto insurance is required at all.
The card itself should have your name, policy number, and the contact information for the automobile insurance company.
The auto insurance card is an important document and you should request one even if your state does not require one.
In Massachusetts there is no requirement to carry an insurance card, but if you live in MA and plan to drive through a state that requires you have one it is better to have it than not.
The penalty for not having proof of insurance can range from a ticket, which is a moving violation and will raise your insurance premiums, to license suspension.
In Florida, for instance, they can suspend your license for up to three years or until you get insurance and pay a re-instatement fee which can be up to five-hundred dollars.
As you can see having the proof of insurance card with you is very important in order to stay out of trouble.
If you bought your automobile insurance online you are better off in case of a lost or stolen card.
By purchasing your auto insurance online not only will you save a bunch of money you will also cut down on the inconvenience of not having an automobile insurance card if you lose yours.
The cards can be downloaded and printed at any time of the day or night.
Replacing your lost insurance card is not the only benefit to shopping for auto insurance online.
By purchasing your car insurance online you will have access to all of your insurance documents at any time of the day or night.