Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Wart Removal Using Natural Home Remedies

Warts are formed from the human papilloma virus HPV that gets into your body.
They are not cancerous, but appear as a growth on your skin.
Once you have the virus they can appear all over your body.
Luckily, if you know how to get rid of warts with a little help from nature and some duct tape, they need not become a big problem.
Warts are contagious and can spread throughout the body via contact with the affected area of the skin.
They are easily transferred from one person to another or from one part of your body to another.
Some people find them to be very embarrassing, especially if they appear on the face or hands.
An unripe papaya mashed up to form a paste and then applied directly to the affected area twice a day can help cure a wart.
It is the enzymes in the papaya that will help digest the dead tissue.
Once they get into the skin they will help with the removal.
Another natural cure can be garlic.
You just need to crush two cloves to make a paste.
This you apply to the affected area and then cover it with tape.
It will cause a wart to fall off.
You will have to clean the area twice daily, reapply the mixture and cover it with a new bandage.
It will be necessary to continue this for two weeks and it should fall off.
Be persistent in your application and you should be successful.
Apple cider vinegar is a great natural substance with many uses.
One of them is that of wart killer.
You can apply a small amount to the affected area with a cotton ball, and dab it onto the wart.
Cover it with duct tape or an adhesive bandage and leave it overnight.
The next day remove the bandage and repeat the method until the wart disappears.
Onion juice will also help cure a wart, if you dab a little onion juice on a cotton bud and then place it on the wart and cover it, the wart may come off.
You will need to keep applying the onion juice each day.
Wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water and then reapply.
By using an adhesive bandage or duct tape with all of these applications you are able to isolate the wart.
This stops any moisture getting into it and thus prevents growth.
Also it will stop the virus causing the wart from spreading to other parts of the body or to other people.
So in an effort to remove warts before the become a problem, you may want to try these various methods for yourself.
Natural methods are always the least expensive and the less dangerous procedures to pursue.
They can sometimes be very effective as well.
How to get rid of warts is a long and tedious experience but it is worth being consistent and trying to remove the first wart otherwise it could be the start of many more to come.
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