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Internet Marketing is Best Compared to Motor Racing

Err, hi.
If you are here to find out where the connection is between motor racing and the internet marketing system is - great.
I am glad.
But I am going to warn you up front, I am going to explain it the long way around.
This is not going to be a quick 500 word article.
In fact I admit a huge amount of it is for my own benefit.
In the future when all the disbelieving scrubbers come to me, hat in hand, saying, "ahh - please Rob, could you help me do as well as you have?" or "do you have some money for me please?" there is I high chance that I am going to tell them to fly! I will tell you why at the end - maybe - perhaps my cynicism will have shown through.
I love honesty.
By understanding this analogy perhaps the 90% dropout rate could be lowered.
To be honest I do not really care that much if I save you or not.
If you are one of the start up and drop out types - well, hello and goodbye.
So here is how it works.
If I told you that there is going to be a new type of motor race and anybody can enter, race and even make money, hey, a lot of money, would you be interested? You will be supplied a racing car, given a workshop to work in, shown how to build, tune and then race the car.
You will be given step by step instructions on exactly how to drive and race.
Even a huge bunch of tips will be supplied on how to overtake, slipstream and ultimately get to the front.
For $50 dollars I will give you the chassis of a formula one racing car.
I will throw in all the parts to make up the newest type of engine available, it will include all the tyres and even an extra dozen tyres.
You will get every single nut and bolt needed to build up this high tech racing machine.
We will even give you a racing driver.
What more could you ask for? Here is the best part; you don't even need to race on the same day.
If your car only starts running at eleven at night then cool, off you go, do a few fast laps, and they will count towards that days times.
Then the next day someone will work out that you did the fourth fastest lap, and wow, you will get $300.
Then you do it again the next day.
You will be offered 79000 different types of races, 16000 different types of tyres to race on and you can even enter races where you have to push the car.
AND IT ALL WILL COST YOU NOTHING! Well nothing after paying the initial car price.
So having been given that offer how many of you think that you could build your car, learn to tune it, practice driving skills etc etc, in 48 hours.
Ahhh! Come on.
Be realistic, out there on the track are 12000 other drivers that have all been driving a lot longer than that.
So what the hell gave you the idea that as a brand new driver, you will win a race in a few days? Yes, but if you did build your car carefully and read all the instructions correctly, then carefully tuned it.
And re tuned it.
Eventually you will be able to hear that it is starting to sound the same as those cars going around the track all the time.
Then and only then can you venture out carefully onto the track and start doing a few laps.
And yes, after a few laps you will see that it is quite easy and pick up speed.
Pretty soon you will be lapping with the fast guys, and making money.
So my question is this, how long, (be real with your answer here), would it take you to learn how to, and build, tune etc a high tech racing car? Even if you do it every day? Personally I think about 4 weeks at the very fastest.
Remember I am learning a brand new skill.
If I have any problems at all it could easily slide into 3 months.
So, finally I can get to the point.
WHY do newcomers to the internet expect to be wealthy instantly? Do you come to the internet with a full and 100% understanding of how everything works? Are please, gimme a break, yes they said you can start earning money immediately, and in some extreme cases it is true.
But if you believed that then I want to offer you a few other products.
And they are very expensive, but you will double your money..
ha ha.
Just click here! No, please be serious.
As with any new business it will obviously take a month or two to even get the ball rolling.
Then a few more months to get a good grip on the proceedings.
And then finally you really will start making the huge amounts of money that is possible.
So why do newbie's start bleating within a few days about how they all got lied to, and how all these promises are a bucket of crap? When in reality they have only done two or three weeks work.
And most of that in a completely confused manner because they allow themselves to be distracted by brightly colored banners all the time.
Do this.
Get a really good training course.
I did, and it was an absolute bargain.
Do every minute of the training.
Do it again.
Then set up a proper plan, and simply stick to it.
It is so easy that I am still amazed.
Every day I wonder why everybody in isn't doing this.
If you do that you might not be the first newcomer onto the race track, but when your car does start lapping the other guys will sit up and take notice.
There is another way to think about it.
Every year a huge number of very bright youngsters leave school and enter university.
They then proceed to work very hard studying for at least 4 years, get qualified, and then only get their first job.
The place that they will reach in about 10 years after they start, is the same place you could be in within 12 months of doing hard work for one year.
Starting today.
Same story.
Get trained properly, make up a game plan, and then apply it.
Work hard for at least a year.
And then you will be able to say if you got lied to or not.
All the newbie's that are trying to race their cars with only two of the wheels on are stupid.
Seriously I really mean - STUPID.
That is why they will be told to fly.
Think - even just a little, and I will willingly give you a huge amount of my time.
Thanks for following my rant, now let's rave.
So - Let's Go Racing.
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