Happy customers are your raving fans, your best advocates and people who look forward to doing more business with you.
Of course regular clients refer you more business so here are four questions you can use to leverage off your happy customers.
Don't you love talking to clients who are happy with your service! When their responses are positive then capitalize on it! Four winning questions to ask: · "What more can I do for you?" and really listen to the response · "Can I use your testimonial on my brochure/website?" · "Would you refer your friends/colleagues with similar needs?" · "Can I post offers/brochures/business cards for your own use/to pass on to others?" Two ways to value add: · After listening to your client's response to "What more can I do for you?" respond with "I've been thinking about what you said" and explain a complimentary product/service you believe would suit their needs (either your product/service or another business you trust to refer) · offer to save your client time, set up an arrangement where you preempt their future ordering/servicing needs Remember to thank them for their business.
Say it is important to you and that you don't take it for granted.
Pick up the phone and dial a past client every day · Personal attention is always a winner · Satisfied clients mean repeat business · Happy clients look forward to doing more business with you · Regular clients refer you more business Instead of sourcing new clients, look no further than your existing client base!
Of course regular clients refer you more business so here are four questions you can use to leverage off your happy customers.
Don't you love talking to clients who are happy with your service! When their responses are positive then capitalize on it! Four winning questions to ask: · "What more can I do for you?" and really listen to the response · "Can I use your testimonial on my brochure/website?" · "Would you refer your friends/colleagues with similar needs?" · "Can I post offers/brochures/business cards for your own use/to pass on to others?" Two ways to value add: · After listening to your client's response to "What more can I do for you?" respond with "I've been thinking about what you said" and explain a complimentary product/service you believe would suit their needs (either your product/service or another business you trust to refer) · offer to save your client time, set up an arrangement where you preempt their future ordering/servicing needs Remember to thank them for their business.
Say it is important to you and that you don't take it for granted.
Pick up the phone and dial a past client every day · Personal attention is always a winner · Satisfied clients mean repeat business · Happy clients look forward to doing more business with you · Regular clients refer you more business Instead of sourcing new clients, look no further than your existing client base!