Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Acts One and Two From Macbeth

In act one Macbeth successfully suppressed a rebellion against King Duncan.
After Macbeth leaves the castle with Banquo the three witches greet him three times.
Macbeth is surprised by the witch's greetings.
The first time they call him by his current title, Thane of Glamis.
The second time as Thane of Cawdor, and the third time as King hereafter.
Banquo asks the witches if they can see his future, and they answer by telling him he will not be king, yet father of kings.
Macbeth tells wife about the witches and how they addressed him as king.
Lady Macbeth thinks about getting the throne by force.
She thinks her husband is too nice to do follow her advice, and kill Duncan to become king.
Yet Duncan and his two sons will need to be dead for Macbeth to become king.
Macbeth is not sure if he should do the bloody task.
She convinces her husband to go on with it.
Her plan is that she will get the bodyguards drunk, while Macbeth does the deed.
In act two Banquo and his son Fleance are out in the middle of the night, and deliver gifts from Duncan to Macbeth.
Banquo reminds Macbeth about the witches, and Macbeth pretends not to notice.
Macbeth imagines he sees a dagger hovering in the air with bloodstains on it.
It unsettles him, but not badly enough to change his plan.
Lady Macbeth does her job with the guards, and Macbeth kills Duncan.
While he stabs the king, Macbeth hears voices accusing him.
He is too shaken up to make it look like the guards did the murder.
Lady Macbeth has to frame the guards.
Macduff discovers the body, and Macbeth blames the guards.
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