We all buy lotto tickets all the time (well, most of us do), and we're all hoping for that elusive big lotto win.
Maybe this week it's your turn to win a few million.
Right? But how often do you get the big prize on the lotto? In fact, do you ever win anything on the lotto at all? Every week you sit and look at your losing ticket in dismay and think "If only that 35 was a 36 and that 24 was 23 then I'd have won a few thousand.
" But sadly, no matter how long you stare at your ticket and wish those numbers were different, they don't change.
You were so close to winning and yet you got nothing.
Why is it that some people win a large amount of money on the lotto once in a lifetime while most people never do? Does anyone really know why this happens? And what about the others? What about the people who win large amounts of money on the lotto over and over again? How do they do it? What's their secret? What is it that they know that the rest of us don't? To know the absolute truth of their consistent lotto winnings, you'd have to know EXACTLY what they do, and below is a quick run down of what they know and what others don't.
Know the System The lottery works on a system, just like any other type of betting.
The odds always work in the favour of the system because they know that no one will understand their system.
This is where the consistent lotto winners come in.
They study the system and understand it better than most people so when it comes to winning, knowledge is power.
Chart the Outcomes They also watch the outcomes of previous lotto draws.
By this I don't mean where the winners live or even who the winners are, but what numbers keep coming up and which don't.
This is the same way that those who gamble on other betting games (horse racing, roulette, blackjack, etc) watch previous outcomes so that they can better predict future wins.
Professional gamblers will spend hours in a casino watching a table to study the wins and the losses.
Look for Patterns Once you study the system and the outcomes for a while certain patterns emerge.
After a while it can even be possible to not only notice them, but to understand what causes them, and with the right calculations, you can see which of these patterns will emerge in the near future.
To take advantage of this it's necessary to watch current outcomes and patterns because this is what's happening now and you need to jump in at the right time with the right numbers and the right calculations.
But like I already said, if you want to have the same lotto winning results as the people who are repeat winners, then you need to know EXACTLY how they do it and what patterns and outcomes they can see and predict, and the calculations they use to pull it all together.
Maybe this week it's your turn to win a few million.
Right? But how often do you get the big prize on the lotto? In fact, do you ever win anything on the lotto at all? Every week you sit and look at your losing ticket in dismay and think "If only that 35 was a 36 and that 24 was 23 then I'd have won a few thousand.
" But sadly, no matter how long you stare at your ticket and wish those numbers were different, they don't change.
You were so close to winning and yet you got nothing.
Why is it that some people win a large amount of money on the lotto once in a lifetime while most people never do? Does anyone really know why this happens? And what about the others? What about the people who win large amounts of money on the lotto over and over again? How do they do it? What's their secret? What is it that they know that the rest of us don't? To know the absolute truth of their consistent lotto winnings, you'd have to know EXACTLY what they do, and below is a quick run down of what they know and what others don't.
Know the System The lottery works on a system, just like any other type of betting.
The odds always work in the favour of the system because they know that no one will understand their system.
This is where the consistent lotto winners come in.
They study the system and understand it better than most people so when it comes to winning, knowledge is power.
Chart the Outcomes They also watch the outcomes of previous lotto draws.
By this I don't mean where the winners live or even who the winners are, but what numbers keep coming up and which don't.
This is the same way that those who gamble on other betting games (horse racing, roulette, blackjack, etc) watch previous outcomes so that they can better predict future wins.
Professional gamblers will spend hours in a casino watching a table to study the wins and the losses.
Look for Patterns Once you study the system and the outcomes for a while certain patterns emerge.
After a while it can even be possible to not only notice them, but to understand what causes them, and with the right calculations, you can see which of these patterns will emerge in the near future.
To take advantage of this it's necessary to watch current outcomes and patterns because this is what's happening now and you need to jump in at the right time with the right numbers and the right calculations.
But like I already said, if you want to have the same lotto winning results as the people who are repeat winners, then you need to know EXACTLY how they do it and what patterns and outcomes they can see and predict, and the calculations they use to pull it all together.